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Nathan White

Senior Legislative Manager

Nathan White is the Senior Legislative Manager for the Access advocacy team. A former communications director in the U.S. Congress, Nathan has shaped political and social issue campaigns across the United States and the internet. He holds a B.A. in political science from Kalamazoo College and an M.A. in global marketing, communications, and advertising from Emerson College. He’s lived, worked, and/or studied in Italy, Brazil, Turkey, and China.

Human rights groups ask United Nations to investigate U.S. border policies

16 Feb 2017

Searching digital devices and compelling travelers to hand over social media passwords is a violation of international human rights.

Press Release
Human rights groups ask United Nations to investigate U.S. border policies
16 Feb 2017
Human rights groups ask United Nations to investigate U.S. border policies
U.S. Congressional briefing

Access Now looks forward to working with U.S. House Judiciary Committee to reform warrantless surveillance

1 Feb 2017
Press Release
Access Now looks forward to working with U.S. House Judiciary Committee to reform warrantless surveillance
1 Feb 2017
Access Now looks forward to working with U.S. House Judiciary Committee to reform warrantless surveillance

Access Now issues a “menu of options” to reform warrantless mass surveillance

15 Dec 2016
Press Release
Access Now issues a “menu of options” to reform warrantless mass surveillance
15 Dec 2016
Access Now issues a “menu of options” to reform warrantless mass surveillance
RightsCon session videos|IGF

An open letter to tech CEOs meeting with President-Elect Trump

13 Dec 2016

Remember your commitment to human rights.

Press Release
An open letter to tech CEOs meeting with President-Elect Trump
13 Dec 2016
An open letter to tech CEOs meeting with President-Elect Trump

Call before 11 am to stop mass hacking!

30 Nov 2016

This is our last chance.

Call before 11 am to stop mass hacking!
30 Nov 2016
Call before 11 am to stop mass hacking!

Access Now endorses legislation to delay implementing Rule 41

17 Nov 2016

Changes to Rule 41 in U.S. criminal procedures are substantive. We need time to fully consider impact and develop human rights safeguards before implementing them.

Press Release
Access Now endorses legislation to delay implementing Rule 41
17 Nov 2016
Access Now endorses legislation to delay implementing Rule 41

Update: Checking your selfies at the border

27 Oct 2016

We told the government that this collection violates our rights

Update: Checking your selfies at the border
27 Oct 2016
Update: Checking your selfies at the border
U.S. Congressional briefing

Access Now congratulates FCC on passing historic broadband privacy rules

27 Oct 2016

United States FCC voted to enact historic rules to protect the privacy of broadband internet users.

Press Release
Access Now congratulates FCC on passing historic broadband privacy rules
27 Oct 2016
Access Now congratulates FCC on passing historic broadband privacy rules

President Obama’s last chance to “Save Crypto”

27 Oct 2016

Today, 18 organizations called on U.S. President Obama to make a declarative statement in support of strong encryption.

Press Release
President Obama’s last chance to “Save Crypto”
27 Oct 2016
President Obama’s last chance to “Save Crypto”

Access Now statement on new proposed broadband privacy rules

6 Oct 2016

Access Now continues to support approval of Chairman Wheeler’s proposal

Press Release
Access Now statement on new proposed broadband privacy rules
6 Oct 2016
Access Now statement on new proposed broadband privacy rules