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Nathan White

Senior Legislative Manager

Nathan White is the Senior Legislative Manager for the Access advocacy team. A former communications director in the U.S. Congress, Nathan has shaped political and social issue campaigns across the United States and the internet. He holds a B.A. in political science from Kalamazoo College and an M.A. in global marketing, communications, and advertising from Emerson College. He’s lived, worked, and/or studied in Italy, Brazil, Turkey, and China.


28 Jul 2015

When asked why he robbed banks, Willie Sutton famously said, “because that’s where the money is.” In the digital era, data equals dollars, and it is stockpiled by the world’s largest organizations. In past years, massive data breaches at companies like Anthem, Home Depot, Target, Sony, Staples, and TJ Maxx have resulted in unauthorized access of the data from millions of people.

28 Jul 2015

Join Access in a Week of Action opposing cyber surveillance #StopCISA

27 Jul 2015

Access and more than a dozen other groups are asking you to join us in a Week of Action to Stop CISA. The Senate will likely vote on the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA) as soon as this week, and only you can stop it.

Join Access in a Week of Action opposing cyber surveillance #StopCISA
27 Jul 2015
Join Access in a Week of Action opposing cyber surveillance #StopCISA

The Crypto Summit

11 Jun 2015

Top government officials have called on policy and technology experts to “start a conversation” about cryptography. These calls ignore more than two decades of discussions about encryption standards and what must be done to keep our communications systems secure.

The Crypto Summit
11 Jun 2015
The Crypto Summit

Access Congratulates U.S. Senate for Passing Legislation to End Bulk Collection

2 Jun 2015

Access congratulates the United States Senate for approving the USA FREEDOM Act of 2015.

Press Release
Access Congratulates U.S. Senate for Passing Legislation to End Bulk Collection
2 Jun 2015
Access Congratulates U.S. Senate for Passing Legislation to End Bulk Collection

Last night, sections of the PATRIOT Act expired

1 Jun 2015

Last night, two incredible things happened. First, key surveillance provisions in the USA PATRIOT Act expired. For the first time since September 11, 2001, the United States Congress failed to renew these provisions and, accordingly, restricted the authority of U.S. surveillance agencies. Second, the United States Senate voted 77 – 17 to take up consideration of the USA FREEDOM Act, legislation that will ban bulk collection under certain authorities.

Last night, sections of the PATRIOT Act expired
1 Jun 2015
Last night, sections of the PATRIOT Act expired

Access Congratulates U.S. Senate for Advancing Legislation to End Bulk Collection

1 Jun 2015

Access today congratulates the United States Senate, which voted 77-17 to advance the USA FREEDOM Act of 2015.

Press Release
Access Congratulates U.S. Senate for Advancing Legislation to End Bulk Collection
1 Jun 2015
Access Congratulates U.S. Senate for Advancing Legislation to End Bulk Collection

Senate Vote Signals the End of Bulk Collection

24 May 2015

The United States Senate tonight failed to move forward legislation to reform or extend certain surveillance authorities in the USA PATRIOT Act.

Press Release
Senate Vote Signals the End of Bulk Collection
24 May 2015
Senate Vote Signals the End of Bulk Collection

Civil Society Opposes Short Term Extension of USA PATRIOT Act Section 215

20 May 2015

A group of 28 organizations sent a letter to Senate leaders opposing S. 1357, legislation that would extend expiring provisions of the USA PATRIOT Act through July 31, 2015.

Press Release
Civil Society Opposes Short Term Extension of USA PATRIOT Act Section 215
20 May 2015
Civil Society Opposes Short Term Extension of USA PATRIOT Act Section 215

Access Applauds House Vote on USA FREEDOM Act, Calls for Improvements in the Senate

14 May 2015

Today, the USA FREEDOM Act of 2015 was approved by the House of Representatives by a vote of 338-88. Access welcomes the House’s passage of the bill as a step forward on the path toward meaningful surveillance reform.

Press Release
Access Applauds House Vote on USA FREEDOM Act, Calls for Improvements in the Senate
14 May 2015
Access Applauds House Vote on USA FREEDOM Act, Calls for Improvements in the Senate

Groups and Companies to Congress: Reject Data Retention Mandates

12 May 2015

Today, a coalition of groups and companies advocating for surveillance reform sent a letter to Senate leaders opposing any legislative mandates for companies to retain customer data.

Press Release
Groups and Companies to Congress: Reject Data Retention Mandates
12 May 2015
Groups and Companies to Congress: Reject Data Retention Mandates