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Nathan White

Senior Legislative Manager

Nathan White is the Senior Legislative Manager for the Access advocacy team. A former communications director in the U.S. Congress, Nathan has shaped political and social issue campaigns across the United States and the internet. He holds a B.A. in political science from Kalamazoo College and an M.A. in global marketing, communications, and advertising from Emerson College. He’s lived, worked, and/or studied in Italy, Brazil, Turkey, and China.
U.S. Congressional briefing

Transatlantic coalition of civil society groups: Privacy Shield is not enough, must return to negotiating tables

16 Mar 2016

“Privacy Shield” is not enough

Press Release
Transatlantic coalition of civil society groups: Privacy Shield is not enough, must return to negotiating tables
16 Mar 2016
Transatlantic coalition of civil society groups: Privacy Shield is not enough, must return to negotiating tables

Intelligence community refuses to follow treaty requirements on human rights

14 Mar 2016

Access Now demands agencies establish a point of contact for human rights

Press Release
Intelligence community refuses to follow treaty requirements on human rights
14 Mar 2016
Intelligence community refuses to follow treaty requirements on human rights

Access Now and Wickr file amicus brief in support of Apple and human rights

2 Mar 2016

A loss for Apple in this case is a loss for human rights around the world.

Press Release
Access Now and Wickr file amicus brief in support of Apple and human rights
2 Mar 2016
Access Now and Wickr file amicus brief in support of Apple and human rights

McCaul’s Crypto Commission: First, do no harm

2 Mar 2016

However well-intended, a new Congressional commission on encryption may do more harm than good.

McCaul’s Crypto Commission: First, do no harm
2 Mar 2016
McCaul’s Crypto Commission: First, do no harm

Access Now supports Apple in crypto unlocking case

17 Feb 2016

Forcing Apple to weaken its iPhone security would set dangerous legal precedent that runs contrary to international human rights law and would give oppressive regimes political cover to demand the same authority. Access Now supports Apple and opposes the U.S. government’s actions.

Press Release
Access Now supports Apple in crypto unlocking case
17 Feb 2016
Access Now supports Apple in crypto unlocking case

Announcing Crypto Summit 2.0

21 Jan 2016

Today Access Now announces Crypto Summit 2.0, which will be held in San Francisco on March 30, 2016.

Announcing Crypto Summit 2.0
21 Jan 2016
Announcing Crypto Summit 2.0
Security For All

195 companies, organizations, and individuals from 42 countries ask world leaders to support strong encryption

11 Jan 2016

195 companies, organizations, and individuals from 42 countries ask world leaders to support strong encryption

Press Release
195 companies, organizations, and individuals from 42 countries ask world leaders to support strong encryption
11 Jan 2016
195 companies, organizations, and individuals from 42 countries ask world leaders to support strong encryption
Security For All||

Announcing a global coalition demanding security for all

11 Jan 2016

We’re proud to announce the launch of a global coalition demanding #SecurityForAll at — Join us!

Announcing a global coalition demanding security for all
11 Jan 2016
Announcing a global coalition demanding security for all

Access Now denounces passage of “cyber surveillance” bill in omnibus

18 Dec 2015

Congress today passed a cyber surveillance bill

Press Release
Access Now denounces passage of “cyber surveillance” bill in omnibus
18 Dec 2015
Access Now denounces passage of “cyber surveillance” bill in omnibus

Access Now denounces inclusion of CISA text in omnibus spending bill

16 Dec 2015

Congress is taking a shortcut to sneak the dangerous CISA cyber-surveillance bill into law without the public knowing what’s going on.

Press Release
Access Now denounces inclusion of CISA text in omnibus spending bill
16 Dec 2015
Access Now denounces inclusion of CISA text in omnibus spending bill