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Nathan White

Senior Legislative Manager

Nathan White is the Senior Legislative Manager for the Access advocacy team. A former communications director in the U.S. Congress, Nathan has shaped political and social issue campaigns across the United States and the internet. He holds a B.A. in political science from Kalamazoo College and an M.A. in global marketing, communications, and advertising from Emerson College. He’s lived, worked, and/or studied in Italy, Brazil, Turkey, and China.
Secure Australia

Australia joins Russia and China in undermining users’ security and threatening human rights

6 Dec 2018

New legislation will undermine the security of communications platforms, threatening the rights to privacy and freedom of expression.

Press Release
Australia joins Russia and China in undermining users’ security and threatening human rights
6 Dec 2018
Australia joins Russia and China in undermining users’ security and threatening human rights
India’s Digital Personal Data Protection Bill passed: “it’s a bad law”

At U.S. Congressional hearing on data privacy, foxes agree that hen house must be guarded

26 Sep 2018

Today the U.S. Senate Commerce Committee held a hearing to consider data privacy and the potential for new legislation to protect consumers.

Press Release
At U.S. Congressional hearing on data privacy, foxes agree that hen house must be guarded
26 Sep 2018
At U.S. Congressional hearing on data privacy, foxes agree that hen house must be guarded
India’s Digital Personal Data Protection Bill passed: “it’s a bad law”

The U.S. might (finally) be ready for federal privacy legislation. Let’s make sure it protects us.

20 Sep 2018

We explain why the time may be ripe for a federal data privacy law, and why that means that the users should engage in the debate.

The U.S. might (finally) be ready for federal privacy legislation. Let’s make sure it protects us.
20 Sep 2018
The U.S. might (finally) be ready for federal privacy legislation. Let’s make sure it protects us.

What’s up Down Under: defending encryption in Australia

12 Sep 2018

Australia asked for feedback on the draft Assistance and Access Bill, which threatens encryption and global cybersecurity. We made sure they heard from everyone we represent.

What’s up Down Under: defending encryption in Australia
12 Sep 2018
What’s up Down Under: defending encryption in Australia

Facebook is right to defend the security of Messenger, and the solution is adding more security

23 Aug 2018

The U.S. government is ordering Facebook to help wiretap Messenger voice calls. We explain what may be happening and how it could impact encrypted communications going forward.

Facebook is right to defend the security of Messenger, and the solution is adding more security
23 Aug 2018
Facebook is right to defend the security of Messenger, and the solution is adding more security

What (we think) you should know about Australia’s new encryption bill

16 Aug 2018

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull recently introduced legislation to compel device manufacturers and service providers to assist law enforcement in accessing encrypted information.

What (we think) you should know about Australia’s new encryption bill
16 Aug 2018
What (we think) you should know about Australia’s new encryption bill

Google beta-tests selling out on its mission

6 Aug 2018

Google walks back earlier stand against helping censorship in China

Press Release
Google beta-tests selling out on its mission
6 Aug 2018
Google beta-tests selling out on its mission

Access Now supports bipartisan questioning of Google and Amazon over “domain fronting”

17 Jul 2018

We asked members of the U.S. Congress to look at the negative impact of dropping anti-censorship “domain fronting” services. They listened.

Press Release
Access Now supports bipartisan questioning of Google and Amazon over “domain fronting”
17 Jul 2018
Access Now supports bipartisan questioning of Google and Amazon over “domain fronting”
Secure Australia

Global coalition calls on Australia’s government to reject plans to undermine encryption

17 Jul 2018

The coalition letter, signed by 76 organizations, companies, and individuals, urges the government to abandon its plans to degrade security in Australia and around the world.

Press Release
Global coalition calls on Australia’s government to reject plans to undermine encryption
17 Jul 2018
Global coalition calls on Australia’s government to reject plans to undermine encryption

How to win government policy and influence the internet

10 Jul 2018

We’ve submitted comments to the U.S. agency NTIA to help guide its international agenda for the internet. Here’s how and why.

How to win government policy and influence the internet
10 Jul 2018
How to win government policy and influence the internet