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Mike Rispoli

Meme templates: The new tool for political activism

4 Mar 2013
Meme templates: The new tool for political activism
4 Mar 2013
Meme templates: The new tool for political activism

The new Westphalian web

26 Feb 2013
The new Westphalian web
26 Feb 2013
The new Westphalian web

Russia blacklists site hosting blogs of prominent journalists

8 Feb 2013

The Russian government has blocked access to a blog-hosting site that publishes reports from at least two prominent independent journalists often critical of the Kremlin. The site has been added to the country’s recently established official “internet blacklist.”

Russia blacklists site hosting blogs of prominent journalists
8 Feb 2013
Russia blacklists site hosting blogs of prominent journalists

Russia, in adding to new blacklist, blocks site used by dissidents

8 Feb 2013
Russia, in adding to new blacklist, blocks site used by dissidents
8 Feb 2013
Russia, in adding to new blacklist, blocks site used by dissidents

Iraq is on track to let its citizens talk smack (online)

7 Feb 2013
Iraq is on track to let its citizens talk smack (online)
7 Feb 2013
Iraq is on track to let its citizens talk smack (online)

Filipino Supreme Court once again blocks controversial cybercrime law

5 Feb 2013
Filipino Supreme Court once again blocks controversial cybercrime law
5 Feb 2013
Filipino Supreme Court once again blocks controversial cybercrime law

TeliaSonera’s Uzbekistan scandal is a warning to telecom CEOs everywhere

3 Feb 2013
TeliaSonera’s Uzbekistan scandal is a warning to telecom CEOs everywhere
3 Feb 2013
TeliaSonera’s Uzbekistan scandal is a warning to telecom CEOs everywhere

Teliasonera CEO resigns in wake of corruption probe

1 Feb 2013

Amid allegations of corruption and bribery in Uzbekistan, Swedish telco giant TeliaSonera’s chief executive resigned today after an independent probe found faults with the company’s due diligence in securing the contract.

Teliasonera CEO resigns in wake of corruption probe
1 Feb 2013
Teliasonera CEO resigns in wake of corruption probe

‘I was left alone in the streets’

29 Jan 2013
‘I was left alone in the streets’
29 Jan 2013
‘I was left alone in the streets’

Vodafone under fire over unmet Egypt pledges

28 Jan 2013
Vodafone under fire over unmet Egypt pledges
28 Jan 2013
Vodafone under fire over unmet Egypt pledges