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Marianne Díaz Hernández

#WhyID Campaigner

Marianne is the #WhyID Campaigner at Access Now. Marianne is a Venezuelan lawyer, digital rights activist, and fiction writer, currently based in Santiago, Chile. Her work focuses mainly on issues regarding online freedom of speech, privacy, web filtering, internet infrastructure and digital security. She founded the digital rights NGO Acceso Libre, a volunteer-based organization that documents threats to human rights in the online environment in Venezuela. Before joining Access Now, Marianne worked as a public policy analyst for the Latin American NGO Derechos Digitales. She's volunteered for Global Voices, particularly for the Advox project, since 2010. She has also published several fiction books, and co-founded the small press Casajena Editoras. In 2019, she was recognized with the "Human Rights Hero" award, granted by Access Now, for her "research and leading advocacy efforts against invasive measures taken by the Maduro government in Venezuela. In 2022, she was selected as one of the Global Leaders of Digital Human Rights by the Ouano Foundation.
Azerbaijan elections internet elections

Internet shutdowns in 2021 report: India is the world’s largest offender

28 Apr 2022

India is the world’s largest offender, and blacked out the internet at least 106 times in 2021. Read “The return of digital authoritarianism: internet shutdowns in 2021”

Press Release
Internet shutdowns in 2021 report: India is the world’s largest offender
28 Apr 2022
Internet shutdowns in 2021 report: India is the world’s largest offender
#KeepItOn Report - The return of digital authoritarianism: internet shutdowns in 2021

Internet shutdowns in 2021: the return of digital authoritarianism

28 Apr 2022

In 2021, Access Now and the #KeepItOn coalition documented 182 internet shutdowns across 34 countries. This shows a dramatic resurgence of this oppressive form of control.

Internet shutdowns in 2021: the return of digital authoritarianism
28 Apr 2022
Internet shutdowns in 2021: the return of digital authoritarianism
Azerbaijan elections internet elections

Internet shutdowns in 2021 report: resistance in the face of blackouts in Africa

28 Apr 2022

Last year, 12 countries cut internet access at least 19 times in Africa. Read “The return of digital authoritarianism: internet shutdowns in 2021”

Press Release
Internet shutdowns in 2021 report: resistance in the face of blackouts in Africa
28 Apr 2022
Internet shutdowns in 2021 report: resistance in the face of blackouts in Africa
internet shutdown #KeepItOn

ድምፅታት ትግራይ፣ ዝቐፀለ ዕፅዋ ኢንተርነት ስድራታት፣ ሕብረተሰብን ስራሕን ይብትን

5 Oct 2021

Since the start of the Tigray conflict in November 2020, warring parties in Ethiopia have used internet and telecommunication shutdowns as a weapon to control and censor information.

ድምፅታት ትግራይ፣ ዝቐፀለ ዕፅዋ ኢንተርነት ስድራታት፣ ሕብረተሰብን ስራሕን ይብትን
5 Oct 2021
ድምፅታት ትግራይ፣ ዝቐፀለ ዕፅዋ ኢንተርነት ስድራታት፣ ሕብረተሰብን ስራሕን ይብትን
internet shutdown #KeepItOn

Shutdown in Zambia on election day: How it affected people’s lives and wellbeing

14 Sep 2021

We share five stories to show how the shutdown in Zambia affected people’s lives, as well as ways you can join the fight against internet shutdowns around the world.

Shutdown in Zambia on election day: How it affected people’s lives and wellbeing
14 Sep 2021
Shutdown in Zambia on election day: How it affected people’s lives and wellbeing
internet shutdown #KeepItOn

Voices from Tigray: ongoing internet shutdown tearing families, communities, businesses apart

13 Sep 2021

Since the start of the Tigray conflict in November 2020, warring parties in Ethiopia have used internet and telecommunication shutdowns as a weapon to control and censor information.

Voices from Tigray: ongoing internet shutdown tearing families, communities, businesses apart
13 Sep 2021
Voices from Tigray: ongoing internet shutdown tearing families, communities, businesses apart
Post header image: Keep the internet on during 2021 Cuban Protest

“¡Patria y vida!”: Cuba corta el acceso a internet para silenciar la protesta

16 Jul 2021

En Cuba el gobierno ha respondido a las protestas bloqueando el acceso a internet y a las plataformas de comunicación más populares.

“¡Patria y vida!”: Cuba corta el acceso a internet para silenciar la protesta
16 Jul 2021
“¡Patria y vida!”: Cuba corta el acceso a internet para silenciar la protesta
Post header image: Keep the internet on during 2021 Cuban Protest

“¡Patria y vida!”: Cuba cuts internet access to gag protesters

15 Jul 2021

Cubans are protesting for government reforms, but as they post videos and images using #SOSCuba and #PatriaYVida, authorities are blocking internet access.

“¡Patria y vida!”: Cuba cuts internet access to gag protesters
15 Jul 2021
“¡Patria y vida!”: Cuba cuts internet access to gag protesters
Kazakhstan internet

#KeepItOn update: who is shutting down the internet in 2021?

7 Jun 2021

In this post, we cover facts and figures on the most recent shutdowns so far in 2021, emerging trends for these disruptions, and information on key #KeepItOn coalition projects this year.

#KeepItOn update: who is shutting down the internet in 2021?
7 Jun 2021
#KeepItOn update: who is shutting down the internet in 2021?