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Marianne Díaz Hernández

#WhyID Campaigner

Marianne is the #WhyID Campaigner at Access Now. Marianne is a Venezuelan lawyer, digital rights activist, and fiction writer, currently based in Santiago, Chile. Her work focuses mainly on issues regarding online freedom of speech, privacy, web filtering, internet infrastructure and digital security. She founded the digital rights NGO Acceso Libre, a volunteer-based organization that documents threats to human rights in the online environment in Venezuela. Before joining Access Now, Marianne worked as a public policy analyst for the Latin American NGO Derechos Digitales. She's volunteered for Global Voices, particularly for the Advox project, since 2010. She has also published several fiction books, and co-founded the small press Casajena Editoras. In 2019, she was recognized with the "Human Rights Hero" award, granted by Access Now, for her "research and leading advocacy efforts against invasive measures taken by the Maduro government in Venezuela. In 2022, she was selected as one of the Global Leaders of Digital Human Rights by the Ouano Foundation.
Digital Identity Toolkit

The digital identity toolkit

8 Oct 2023

Developed by Access Now, this toolkit helps build the lexicon and framework around digital ID issues to facilitate a human rights approach.

The digital identity toolkit
8 Oct 2023
The digital identity toolkit
Digital ID Systems

Digital identity: Our five calls to action for the World Bank

28 Sep 2022

For the second year in a row, the World Bank is leaving digital identity programs off the agenda for its annual summit. Here’s why we need urgent action to stop further human rights abuse, exclusion, marginalization, and surveillance.

Digital identity: Our five calls to action for the World Bank
28 Sep 2022
Digital identity: Our five calls to action for the World Bank
Image: KeepItOn elections watch 2022

#KeepItOn: 2022 elections and internet shutdowns watch

26 Sep 2022

Elections and internet shutdowns are a disaster for democracy. See which countries the #KeepItOn coalition is watching in 2022.

#KeepItOn: 2022 elections and internet shutdowns watch
26 Sep 2022
#KeepItOn: 2022 elections and internet shutdowns watch

Global Leaders of Digital Human Rights: Marianne Díaz Hernández recognized as international changemaker

12 Sep 2022

Access Now is proud of Marianne Díaz Hernández, #WhyID Campaigner at Access Now, and her recognition as one of Ouano Foundation’s 2022 Global Leaders of Digital Human Rights.

Press Release
Global Leaders of Digital Human Rights: Marianne Díaz Hernández recognized as international changemaker
12 Sep 2022
Global Leaders of Digital Human Rights: Marianne Díaz Hernández recognized as international changemaker
sistemas de identificación digital

Carta abierta: El Banco Mundial y sus donantes deben proteger los derechos humanos en los sistemas de identificación digital

7 Sep 2022

Organizaciones de la sociedad civil están llamando al Banco Mundial a que cese de apoyar sistemas de identificación digital no verificados.

Press Release
Carta abierta: El Banco Mundial y sus donantes deben proteger los derechos humanos en los sistemas de identificación digital
7 Sep 2022
Carta abierta: El Banco Mundial y sus donantes deben proteger los derechos humanos en los sistemas de identificación digital
Digital ID Systems

#WhyID: World Bank and dangerous digital ID systems do not mix

7 Sep 2022

Access Now and partners are calling on the World Bank to stop supporting digital ID systems that enable surveillance, exclusion, and discrimination.

Press Release
#WhyID: World Bank and dangerous digital ID systems do not mix
7 Sep 2022
#WhyID: World Bank and dangerous digital ID systems do not mix
sistemas de identificación digital

#WhyID: El Banco Mundial y los sistemas de identificación digital peligrosos no se mezclan

7 Sep 2022

Organizaciones de la sociedad civil están llamando al Banco Mundial a que cese de apoyar sistemas de identificación digital no verificados.

Press Release
#WhyID: El Banco Mundial y los sistemas de identificación digital peligrosos no se mezclan
7 Sep 2022
#WhyID: El Banco Mundial y los sistemas de identificación digital peligrosos no se mezclan
Digital ID Systems

Open letter: World Bank and its donors must protect human rights in digital ID systems

7 Sep 2022

Access Now and partners urge the World Bank to immediately stop activities that promote harmful models of digital ID systems.

Press Release
Open letter: World Bank and its donors must protect human rights in digital ID systems
7 Sep 2022
Open letter: World Bank and its donors must protect human rights in digital ID systems
Azerbaijan elections internet elections

Internet shutdowns in 2021 report: digital authoritarianism returning across the globe

28 Apr 2022

New: “The return of digital authoritarianism: internet shutdowns in 2021” unpacks the data, trends, and stories behind a year of internet shutdowns.

Press Release
Internet shutdowns in 2021 report: digital authoritarianism returning across the globe
28 Apr 2022
Internet shutdowns in 2021 report: digital authoritarianism returning across the globe
Azerbaijan elections internet elections

Internet shutdowns in 2021 report: MENA in the dark

28 Apr 2022

In 2021, Access Now documented at least 23 shutdowns in nine countries in the Middle East and North Africa. Read “The return of digital authoritarianism: internet shutdowns in 2021.”

Press Release
Internet shutdowns in 2021 report: MENA in the dark
28 Apr 2022
Internet shutdowns in 2021 report: MENA in the dark