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Madeline Libbey

Policy Intern

Madeline is working as a Policy Intern this summer with Access Now. She is currently a rising senior at Stanford University studying Political Science and Computer Science. This summer, she is helping Access Now’s Policy team with various projects ranging from updating #KeepItOn’s shutdown tracker to writing country reports for the UN’s Universal Periodic Review next May.
Transparency reporting index main visual image

Going dark: companies today release fewer transparency reports, less data

9 Oct 2019

Our latest update to the Transparency Reporting Index shows that corporate transparency and accountability need a reboot.

Going dark: companies today release fewer transparency reports, less data
9 Oct 2019
Going dark: companies today release fewer transparency reports, less data

Judges raise the gavel to #KeepItOn around the world

23 Sep 2019

From Zimbabwe to Kashmir to Pakistan and beyond, legal challenges to internet shutdowns are becoming more common — and so are the victories. 

Judges raise the gavel to #KeepItOn around the world
23 Sep 2019
Judges raise the gavel to #KeepItOn around the world