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Lucie Krahulcova

Asia Policy Analyst

Lucie was the Asia Policy Analyst at Access Now, based out of Melbourne. For several years she worked as the EU policy analyst at Access Now based out of Brussels, prior to that an editor for several regional publications as well as a translator for government agencies and as a political intern at the Czech Embassy to Ottawa. Her key expertise is in export controls and surveillance trade, cybersecurity, data retention, encryption, and Net Neutrality. Ask her where she's lived and studied, but make sure you're comfortably seated first.

Rekindling Net Neutrality: Our meeting with EU telecoms regulators

17 Dec 2015

Access Now provided testimony for the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) on Net Neutrality, working to keep the internet open and free all across Europe.

Rekindling Net Neutrality: Our meeting with EU telecoms regulators
17 Dec 2015
Rekindling Net Neutrality: Our meeting with EU telecoms regulators

UK parliamentarian deals a punch to data retention, but EU saga continues

2 Dec 2015

Last week, the UK Court of Appeal sent the David Davis data retention case to the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) for clarification. How the CJEU responds could have implications for data retention across the EU.

UK parliamentarian deals a punch to data retention, but EU saga continues
2 Dec 2015
UK parliamentarian deals a punch to data retention, but EU saga continues

Smart Borders – The Little Package that couldn’t protect your rights

5 Nov 2015
Smart Borders – The Little Package that couldn’t protect your rights
5 Nov 2015
Smart Borders – The Little Package that couldn’t protect your rights

We will, we will, watch you: codifying mass surveillance in France

28 Oct 2015

Earlier today, the French Senate adopted the highly controversial Projet de loi sur la surveillance des communications internationales, better known as the Surveillance bill. The bill enables the indiscriminate mass surveillance of millions of individuals in France and abroad, with no mechanism for independent oversight and judicial control. It is now only a matter of days before François Hollande, the President of France, signs the bill into law.

We will, we will, watch you: codifying mass surveillance in France
28 Oct 2015
We will, we will, watch you: codifying mass surveillance in France

Telecoms Single Market may — or may not — bring real Net Neutrality to Europe

22 Oct 2015

Earlier this year, the three major European institutions reached an agreement in the Telecoms Single Market trialogue, where lawmakers made several ambitious promises. Among them was the promise to enshrine Net Neutrality rules concretely into EU law. The aim: to guarantee Europeans the “most comprehensive open internet rules,” and to prevent fragmenting equitable cross-border internet services that are in a single market. However, as it stands, the legislation is not yet clear enough to realize these grand ambitions.

Telecoms Single Market may — or may not — bring real Net Neutrality to Europe
22 Oct 2015
Telecoms Single Market may — or may not — bring real Net Neutrality to Europe

France has trust issues and it could cost you your privacy

8 Oct 2015

Last week the French National Assembly — the lower chamber of the French Parliament — adopted a Surveillance Bill that would enable mass surveillance of international phone calls and allow the government tap French undersea cables to vacuum up all internet traffic.

France has trust issues and it could cost you your privacy
8 Oct 2015
France has trust issues and it could cost you your privacy