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Lucie Krahulcova

Asia Policy Analyst

Lucie was the Asia Policy Analyst at Access Now, based out of Melbourne. For several years she worked as the EU policy analyst at Access Now based out of Brussels, prior to that an editor for several regional publications as well as a translator for government agencies and as a political intern at the Czech Embassy to Ottawa. Her key expertise is in export controls and surveillance trade, cybersecurity, data retention, encryption, and Net Neutrality. Ask her where she's lived and studied, but make sure you're comfortably seated first.

Europol supports encryption. We can relax now… right?

7 Jul 2016

Even if the tide is turning with regard to banning encryption, Europol may seek other “practical solutions” that increase its authority to access individuals’ private information and put our digital security at risk.

Europol supports encryption. We can relax now… right?
7 Jul 2016
Europol supports encryption. We can relax now… right?

EU “trilogues” consultation: A foot in the door for transparency

30 Jun 2016

Making Europe’s “trialogues” process more transparent could help make the government more accountable to the public, which could in turn positively impact digital rights.

EU “trilogues” consultation: A foot in the door for transparency
30 Jun 2016
EU “trilogues” consultation: A foot in the door for transparency

Europol’s Internet Referral Unit risks harming rights and feeding extremism

17 Jun 2016

Tasking private, third-party actors with policing expression online may do more harm than good.

Europol’s Internet Referral Unit risks harming rights and feeding extremism
17 Jun 2016
Europol’s Internet Referral Unit risks harming rights and feeding extremism

A big win for Net Neutrality in the US — but will Europe follow suit?

16 Jun 2016

European regulators should close the final loopholes in the Telecoms Single Market regulation to ensure Net Neutrality across Europe.

A big win for Net Neutrality in the US — but will Europe follow suit?
16 Jun 2016
A big win for Net Neutrality in the US — but will Europe follow suit?

EU regulator opens public consultation on Net Neutrality

6 Jun 2016

The public can provide input to Europe’s regulators, who are working to resolve remaining ambiguities in the text to implement Net Neutrality.

Press Release
EU regulator opens public consultation on Net Neutrality
6 Jun 2016
EU regulator opens public consultation on Net Neutrality

EU Parliament tells Commission Privacy Shield is likely illegal

26 May 2016

The European Parliament has confirmed that the “Privacy Shield” data-transfer agreement is flawed. We call upon the European Commission to address those flaws.

Press Release
EU Parliament tells Commission Privacy Shield is likely illegal
26 May 2016
EU Parliament tells Commission Privacy Shield is likely illegal

The stormy seas of privacy in Europe

14 Apr 2016

Europe has approved privacy-invasive and privacy-protecting legislation in one day.

The stormy seas of privacy in Europe
14 Apr 2016
The stormy seas of privacy in Europe

Iceland: on the path to Net Neutrality

22 Mar 2016

Iceland may be next to codify Net Neutrality rules in its legal system.

Iceland: on the path to Net Neutrality
22 Mar 2016
Iceland: on the path to Net Neutrality

UK’s IP Bill: deficient on privacy protections, ample on surveillance authority

3 Mar 2016

As written, the United Kingdom’s Investigatory Powers Bill would undermine privacy, data protection, freedom of expression, and digital security.

UK’s IP Bill: deficient on privacy protections, ample on surveillance authority
3 Mar 2016
UK’s IP Bill: deficient on privacy protections, ample on surveillance authority

General Data Protection Regulation – what tidings do ye bring?

21 Dec 2015

Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is here. We take a close look at the provisions and what the implications are for privacy in the E.U.

General Data Protection Regulation – what tidings do ye bring?
21 Dec 2015
General Data Protection Regulation – what tidings do ye bring?