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Lucie Krahulcova

Asia Policy Analyst

Lucie was the Asia Policy Analyst at Access Now, based out of Melbourne. For several years she worked as the EU policy analyst at Access Now based out of Brussels, prior to that an editor for several regional publications as well as a translator for government agencies and as a political intern at the Czech Embassy to Ottawa. Her key expertise is in export controls and surveillance trade, cybersecurity, data retention, encryption, and Net Neutrality. Ask her where she's lived and studied, but make sure you're comfortably seated first.

What happens when summer is over? EU Cybersec 2.0!

22 Aug 2017

Here’s what we expect for Europe’s cybersecurity agenda this fall.

What happens when summer is over? EU Cybersec 2.0!
22 Aug 2017
What happens when summer is over? EU Cybersec 2.0!

Open NGO Letter to EU Member States and Institutions Regarding the Export of Surveillance Equipment

11 Jul 2017

EU-made electronic surveillance equipment is still exported to authoritarian countries. We strongly urge all EU member states to safeguard human rights.

Press Release
Open NGO Letter to EU Member States and Institutions Regarding the Export of Surveillance Equipment
11 Jul 2017
Open NGO Letter to EU Member States and Institutions Regarding the Export of Surveillance Equipment

Italy to Revoke Export License for Cyber Surveillance Company

27 Jun 2017
Press Release
Italy to Revoke Export License for Cyber Surveillance Company
27 Jun 2017
Italy to Revoke Export License for Cyber Surveillance Company

The European Commission is thinking… about government hacking

26 Jun 2017

Europe is exploring ways to bypass MLATs. Any system for cross-border access to data must increase protections for fundamental rights.

The European Commission is thinking… about government hacking
26 Jun 2017
The European Commission is thinking… about government hacking

Civil society coalition calls for stronger EU export controls of surveillance technologies with clear exemptions for security research

10 May 2017

The coalition urges stronger safeguards for human rights in export control, as well as clear exemptions to protect security research.

Press Release
Civil society coalition calls for stronger EU export controls of surveillance technologies with clear exemptions for security research
10 May 2017
Civil society coalition calls for stronger EU export controls of surveillance technologies with clear exemptions for security research

Secure all the things! How to protect human rights on the Internet of Things

9 May 2017

A first look at what a human rights framework might look like for the Internet of Things.

Secure all the things! How to protect human rights on the Internet of Things
9 May 2017
Secure all the things! How to protect human rights on the Internet of Things

How Access Now is working to bridge the gender “digital divide”

8 Mar 2017

It’s International Women’s Day. Here’s how we’re working to make the internet a more inclusive, equitable, and safe place for everyone.

How Access Now is working to bridge the gender “digital divide”
8 Mar 2017
How Access Now is working to bridge the gender “digital divide”

Global civil society groups call for reform of US surveillance law Section 702

1 Mar 2017

Europe must suspend the EU-US Privacy Shield data-transfer arrangement unless the US Congress undertakes meaningful reform of surveillance law.

Press Release
Global civil society groups call for reform of US surveillance law Section 702
1 Mar 2017
Global civil society groups call for reform of US surveillance law Section 702

Time’s up! …for data retention mandates across the EU

25 Jan 2017

Our take on what the CJEU ruling on data retention means for the future of privacy in Europe.

Time’s up! …for data retention mandates across the EU
25 Jan 2017
Time’s up! …for data retention mandates across the EU

Victory! EU court rules that indiscriminate data retention is not permissible

21 Dec 2016

Blanket data retention violates fundamental rights.

Press Release
Victory! EU court rules that indiscriminate data retention is not permissible
21 Dec 2016
Victory! EU court rules that indiscriminate data retention is not permissible