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Lucie Krahulcova

Asia Policy Analyst

Lucie was the Asia Policy Analyst at Access Now, based out of Melbourne. For several years she worked as the EU policy analyst at Access Now based out of Brussels, prior to that an editor for several regional publications as well as a translator for government agencies and as a political intern at the Czech Embassy to Ottawa. Her key expertise is in export controls and surveillance trade, cybersecurity, data retention, encryption, and Net Neutrality. Ask her where she's lived and studied, but make sure you're comfortably seated first.

What the EU is getting wrong about the Internet of Things

12 Feb 2018

There is no better time than right now to question the world that is being built around us, and as civil society, it is our duty to ask the hard questions, and make sure innovators have good answers before they proceed.

What the EU is getting wrong about the Internet of Things
12 Feb 2018
What the EU is getting wrong about the Internet of Things

Europe is consulting stakeholders on cross-border access to e-evidence. Here’s what we told them.

24 Jan 2018

The European Commission will soon introduce legislation on cross-border access to electronic evidence. That legislation must protect human rights.

Europe is consulting stakeholders on cross-border access to e-evidence. Here’s what we told them.
24 Jan 2018
Europe is consulting stakeholders on cross-border access to e-evidence. Here’s what we told them.
U.S. Congressional briefing

Where you can find Access Now at CPDP 2018

17 Jan 2018

We look forward to connecting with you!

Where you can find Access Now at CPDP 2018
17 Jan 2018
Where you can find Access Now at CPDP 2018
NSO Group human rights

EU: European Parliament must vote to stop surveillance equipment going to rights-abusing governments

16 Jan 2018
Press Release
EU: European Parliament must vote to stop surveillance equipment going to rights-abusing governments
16 Jan 2018
EU: European Parliament must vote to stop surveillance equipment going to rights-abusing governments
NSO Group human rights

The European Parliament is fighting to strengthen the rules for surveillance trade

8 Dec 2017
The European Parliament is fighting to strengthen the rules for surveillance trade
8 Dec 2017
The European Parliament is fighting to strengthen the rules for surveillance trade

A step forward for Net Neutrality in India; a leap ahead for the open internet

28 Nov 2017

TRAI has recommended that government licenses for internet service providers include strong provisions to ensure non-discriminatory treatment of content.

Press Release
A step forward for Net Neutrality in India; a leap ahead for the open internet
28 Nov 2017
A step forward for Net Neutrality in India; a leap ahead for the open internet
NSO Group human rights

European Parliament adopts strong position on surveillance export controls to protect human rights

24 Nov 2017
Press Release
European Parliament adopts strong position on surveillance export controls to protect human rights
24 Nov 2017
European Parliament adopts strong position on surveillance export controls to protect human rights

In vote on ePrivacy, European Parliament confirms mandate to move reform forward

26 Oct 2017

The Parliament chose to support users’ rights and now has a solid mandate to continue working on the ePrivacy Regulation.

Press Release
In vote on ePrivacy, European Parliament confirms mandate to move reform forward
26 Oct 2017
In vote on ePrivacy, European Parliament confirms mandate to move reform forward

Cross-border access to data: NGO position delivered to the Council of Europe

18 Sep 2017

 Our comments provide guidance on how to protect human rights when developing new rules on cross-border access to electronic evidence (“e-evidence”).

Press Release
Cross-border access to data: NGO position delivered to the Council of Europe
18 Sep 2017
Cross-border access to data: NGO position delivered to the Council of Europe

Case study: Denmark and the failure of EU export controls

6 Sep 2017

Denmark’s decision shows what’s rotten in the state of EU export controls.

Case study: Denmark and the failure of EU export controls
6 Sep 2017
Case study: Denmark and the failure of EU export controls