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Lucie Krahulcova

Asia Policy Analyst

Lucie was the Asia Policy Analyst at Access Now, based out of Melbourne. For several years she worked as the EU policy analyst at Access Now based out of Brussels, prior to that an editor for several regional publications as well as a translator for government agencies and as a political intern at the Czech Embassy to Ottawa. Her key expertise is in export controls and surveillance trade, cybersecurity, data retention, encryption, and Net Neutrality. Ask her where she's lived and studied, but make sure you're comfortably seated first.
NSO Group human rights

Human rights organizations call to strengthen the European Commission position on dual-use recast

9 Jun 2020

The letter calls on the Commission to enact strong uniform rules across the Union so that surveillance vendors are prevented from “licence shopping” among the states with weaker implementation of current export controls rules.

Press Release
Human rights organizations call to strengthen the European Commission position on dual-use recast
9 Jun 2020
Human rights organizations call to strengthen the European Commission position on dual-use recast
India’s Digital Personal Data Protection Bill passed: “it’s a bad law”

Ensuring Pakistan passes a privacy-protecting, user-centric data protection bill

19 May 2020

Access Now’s analysis of a draft data protection bill in Pakistan explains how it can be improved to better achieve its stated purpose.

Ensuring Pakistan passes a privacy-protecting, user-centric data protection bill
19 May 2020
Ensuring Pakistan passes a privacy-protecting, user-centric data protection bill

Australian rights groups urge transparency on government COVID-19 app

8 Apr 2020

The Coronavirus Australia app has already been downloaded over 500,000 times, but there is little publicly available information about what data are being collected, how it is being used, and how it will be kept safe.

Press Release
Australian rights groups urge transparency on government COVID-19 app
8 Apr 2020
Australian rights groups urge transparency on government COVID-19 app

Australia’s surveillance rabbit hole grows deeper

8 Apr 2020

Australia is home to globally infamous anti-encryption legislation, the Assistance and Access Act, but its surveillance issues don’t begin or end there.

Australia’s surveillance rabbit hole grows deeper
8 Apr 2020
Australia’s surveillance rabbit hole grows deeper
Protección de datos personales: Recomendaciones para el nuevo proyecto de ley en Argentina

2019: Un año de lucha por la protección de datos personales alrededor del mundo

28 Jan 2020
2019: Un año de lucha por la protección de datos personales alrededor del mundo
28 Jan 2020
2019: Un año de lucha por la protección de datos personales alrededor del mundo

Fighting for strong data protection around the world: a year in review

28 Jan 2020

Happy International Data Protection Day! To celebrate, we’re taking you on a data protection world tour. Buckle up — it’s a wild ride.

Fighting for strong data protection around the world: a year in review
28 Jan 2020
Fighting for strong data protection around the world: a year in review
Caso Ola Bini: nuevamente se suspende la audiencia

30+ organizations call on governments to protect — not prosecute — security researchers

19 Dec 2019

The work of digital rights defenders is key in protecting and maintaining an open and safe online civic space, and more than 30 organizations are expressing our concern over their continued persecution around the world.

Press Release
30+ organizations call on governments to protect — not prosecute — security researchers
19 Dec 2019
30+ organizations call on governments to protect — not prosecute — security researchers

In Australia, major amendments to encryption law are a step in the right direction

4 Dec 2019

We support long-overdue amendments to this fundamentally flawed legislation, and urge lawmakers to ensure proper and public reporting on how TOLA’s authorities are being used.

Press Release
In Australia, major amendments to encryption law are a step in the right direction
4 Dec 2019
In Australia, major amendments to encryption law are a step in the right direction

Cybersec and beyond! The digital rights battles Australia can win

11 Nov 2019

Here’s how Australia can turn the ship around and strengthen its cybersecurity.

Cybersec and beyond! The digital rights battles Australia can win
11 Nov 2019
Cybersec and beyond! The digital rights battles Australia can win

Civil society once again targeted by spyware attributed to NSO Group

29 Oct 2019

Of 1,400 victims of targeted attacks through WhatsApp, more than 100 were members of civil society.

Press Release
Civil society once again targeted by spyware attributed to NSO Group
29 Oct 2019
Civil society once again targeted by spyware attributed to NSO Group