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Lee Gensler

Obama’s reversals on the NSA exposed

15 Aug 2013
Obama’s reversals on the NSA exposed
15 Aug 2013
Obama’s reversals on the NSA exposed

Espionaje y derechos humanos: los límites a la intromisión de la intimidad

9 Aug 2013
Espionaje y derechos humanos: los límites a la intromisión de la intimidad
9 Aug 2013
Espionaje y derechos humanos: los límites a la intromisión de la intimidad

From Bahrain to Belarus: Attack of the fake activists

30 Jul 2013
From Bahrain to Belarus: Attack of the fake activists
30 Jul 2013
From Bahrain to Belarus: Attack of the fake activists

Public hearing reveals most of Congress was in the dark about NSA surveillance programs

19 Jul 2013

Representatives from the NSA, FBI, and DOJ faced serious scrutiny before the US House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday in a hearing on the ‘Administration’s use of FISA Authorities.’ The defining narrative of the hearing came from the Members themselves, who indignantly contended that Congress had been largely kept in the dark about the nature and scope of the surveillance programs.

Public hearing reveals most of Congress was in the dark about NSA surveillance programs
19 Jul 2013
Public hearing reveals most of Congress was in the dark about NSA surveillance programs

Commonwealth of Surveillance States: The dangers of Russian-made surveillance technology

29 Jun 2013

Access recently released a paper by Peter Bourgelais, an Access Tech Fellow, highlighting the growing electronic surveillance in post-Soviet Central Asia and the difficulties of regulating its manufacture and distribution. In Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan, Russian-made technologies and companies dominate the market, and techniques that have limited regulatory efficacy elsewhere — such as export controls and public campaigning — are much less effective.

Commonwealth of Surveillance States: The dangers of Russian-made surveillance technology
29 Jun 2013
Commonwealth of Surveillance States: The dangers of Russian-made surveillance technology

Former National Security Commission officer on Kazakhstan special forces’ phone tapping

25 Jun 2013
Former National Security Commission officer on Kazakhstan special forces’ phone tapping
25 Jun 2013
Former National Security Commission officer on Kazakhstan special forces’ phone tapping

Thủ thuật tấn công mạng ở Việt Nam

20 Jun 2013
Thủ thuật tấn công mạng ở Việt Nam
20 Jun 2013
Thủ thuật tấn công mạng ở Việt Nam

New information and more questions on US global surveillance after Congressional oversight hearings

19 Jun 2013

Representatives of top U.S. intelligence agencies testified before the House Intelligence Committee in a public oversight hearing. While the hearing largely served to allow officials to legitimate the recently-revealed massive US surveillance programs, a few representatives pushed back, granting the public important new information on these programs.

New information and more questions on US global surveillance after Congressional oversight hearings
19 Jun 2013
New information and more questions on US global surveillance after Congressional oversight hearings

International organizations pressure Congress to respect human rights

18 Jun 2013

Today Access, in coordination with a broad-based group of civil society organizations and individuals, sent a letter to the US Congress representing the international response to the massive NSA surveillance program. Amidst the often US-centric response to this scandal, the letter presents an important reminder that these programs not only affect, but specifically target, non-US citizens in a gross breach of the United States’ responsibilities under international human rights law.

International organizations pressure Congress to respect human rights
18 Jun 2013
International organizations pressure Congress to respect human rights

Mozilla, Reddit and 4chan join call for US Congress to stop NSA surveillance

14 Jun 2013
Mozilla, Reddit and 4chan join call for US Congress to stop NSA surveillance
14 Jun 2013
Mozilla, Reddit and 4chan join call for US Congress to stop NSA surveillance