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Josh Levy

Advocacy Director

Josh Levy (Email: [email protected], PGP Key: 0x84C9F275) is Advocacy Director at Access. He's worked for years at the intersections of technology, politics and activism. He was previously Campaign Director at Free Press, the U.S.-based nonprofit, where he fought to protect the open internet and stop government surveillance. He was also Managing Editor of, the global petition platform, and Associate Editor at Personal Democracy Media. He holds a BA in English and Religion from the University of Vermont and an MFA in Integrated Media Arts from Hunter College in New York. He lives with his family in Northampton, Massachusetts.

Four Members of Congress Join Dozens of Organizations to Urge President Obama to Limit Mass Surveillance Under Executive Order 12333

2 Sep 2014

Access has convened a coalition of digital rights groups to urge the Obama Administration to reform Executive Order 12333, which authorizes mass surveillance by NSA and other intelligence agencies with no meaningful limits.

Press Release
Four Members of Congress Join Dozens of Organizations to Urge President Obama to Limit Mass Surveillance Under Executive Order 12333
2 Sep 2014
Four Members of Congress Join Dozens of Organizations to Urge President Obama to Limit Mass Surveillance Under Executive Order 12333