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Josh Levy

Advocacy Director

Josh Levy (Email:, PGP Key: 0x84C9F275) is Advocacy Director at Access. He’s worked for years at the intersections of technology, politics and activism. He was previously Campaign Director at Free Press, the U.S.-based nonprofit, where he fought to protect the open internet and stop government surveillance. He was also Managing Editor of, the global petition platform, and Associate Editor at Personal Democracy Media. He holds a BA in English and Religion from the University of Vermont and an MFA in Integrated Media Arts from Hunter College in New York. He lives with his family in Northampton, Massachusetts.


RightsCon Southeast Asia: Tech Companies, Civil Society, Government to Discuss Open Internet

4 Mar 2015

Hundreds of technologists, companies, governments, and human rights advocates to convene in Manila to discuss privacy, security, corporate responsibility.

Press Release
RightsCon Southeast Asia: Tech Companies, Civil Society, Government to Discuss Open Internet
4 Mar 2015
RightsCon Southeast Asia: Tech Companies, Civil Society, Government to Discuss Open Internet

Access Now Hails U.S. FCC Adoption of Strong Net Neutrality Rules

27 Feb 2015

Today the U.S. Federal Communications Commission voted 3-2 to apply common carrier regulations to internet service providers, an historic move that creates strong Net Neutrality protections for users.

Press Release
Access Now Hails U.S. FCC Adoption of Strong Net Neutrality Rules
27 Feb 2015
Access Now Hails U.S. FCC Adoption of Strong Net Neutrality Rules

Dear U.S. FCC: Net Neutrality Rules Must Ban Zero Rating. Period.

20 Feb 2015

Next week, the U.S. Federal Communications Commission will vote on rules that, it says, would finally put in place Net Neutrality protections for U.S. internet users. While we are optimistic about the strength of these rules, we’re also worried they will fail to adequately protect against so-called “zero rating” services — schemes devised by internet providers and services like Facebook, Wikimedia, and Spotify in which app usage doesn’t count against data caps —and other forms of price discrimination. A failure to include such language in the FCC’s new rules would not only render them weaker than what came before, but would also create a giant opening for Verizon and other carriers to perpetrate rampant online discrimination.

Dear U.S. FCC: Net Neutrality Rules Must Ban Zero Rating. Period.
20 Feb 2015
Dear U.S. FCC: Net Neutrality Rules Must Ban Zero Rating. Period.

More Than 30 Global Groups Send Net Neutrality Letter to FCC

11 Feb 2015

31 organizations from 21 countries press FCC to support Net Neutrality because of U.S. leadership on global issue

Press Release
More Than 30 Global Groups Send Net Neutrality Letter to FCC
11 Feb 2015
More Than 30 Global Groups Send Net Neutrality Letter to FCC

Access Cheers FCC Move Toward Strong Net Neutrality Rules

5 Feb 2015

Today U.S. FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler confirmed that the agency will move to pass strong Net Neutrality protections later this month.

Press Release
Access Cheers FCC Move Toward Strong Net Neutrality Rules
5 Feb 2015
Access Cheers FCC Move Toward Strong Net Neutrality Rules

Access cheers FCC move toward Net Neutrality

4 Feb 2015

Today U.S. Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler confirmed that the agency will move to pass strong Net Neutrality protections later this month. Any action by Congress to roll back FCC authority or threaten common carrier status for broadband providers will meet thunderous opposition, by U.S. users as well as international communities.

Access cheers FCC move toward Net Neutrality
4 Feb 2015
Access cheers FCC move toward Net Neutrality

Access Now Protests Targeting of Users in Spain

10 Jan 2015

Spanish law enforcement is claiming that the use’s secure communication technologies justifies arrests and detainments. Access vehemently disagrees.

Press Release
Access Now Protests Targeting of Users in Spain
10 Jan 2015
Access Now Protests Targeting of Users in Spain

Will Ads Become Next Net-Neutrality Battle?

12 Oct 2014
Will Ads Become Next Net-Neutrality Battle?
12 Oct 2014
Will Ads Become Next Net-Neutrality Battle?

The legacy and legality of 12333

12 Sep 2014

In December 1981 President Ronald Reagan signed Executive Order 12333, giving U.S. intelligence agencies more power to direct federal agencies to conduct surveillance. More than 20 years later, George W. Bush signed two more executive orders that strengthened and expanded these same powers. President Obama has continued the legacy of, and expanded his administration’s authority under, the order.

The legacy and legality of 12333
12 Sep 2014
The legacy and legality of 12333

Today Is the Internet Slowdown

10 Sep 2014

Today a broad coalition of groups and companies is participating in the “Internet Slowdown” — a day of action in which sites around the web are covered in symbolic “loading” icons to remind everyone of what an internet without net neutrality would look like. Access is proud to participate in the action.

Today Is the Internet Slowdown
10 Sep 2014
Today Is the Internet Slowdown