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Javier Pallero

Director - Policy & International Programs

Javier is Access Now's Policy Director. Before joining Access Now, he worked for several years with digital rights organizations in Argentina, conducting policy analysis and promoting human rights activism on the net. He also was a teaching assistant at Cordoba's National University in Argentina on the subject of Internet Law and Economics while serving as a consultant and speaker in the local media. In addition to all of this, Javier is an amateur musician who is passionate about the internet and its power for social change.

Ente regulador indio se pronuncia a favor de la neutralidad de la red y en contra de los servicios de tasa cero (zero rating)

8 Feb 2016

La autoridad reguladora de las telecomunicaciones de India anunció hoy nuevas normas referidas a la neutralidad de la red y a los programas de tasa cero, conocidos también como de «zero rating».

Press Release
Ente regulador indio se pronuncia a favor de la neutralidad de la red y en contra de los servicios de tasa cero (zero rating)
8 Feb 2016
Ente regulador indio se pronuncia a favor de la neutralidad de la red y en contra de los servicios de tasa cero (zero rating)

Access Now condemns blocking of WhatsApp in Brazil

17 Dec 2015

The block is the latest in a string of internet shutdowns in 2015 and shows worrying backsliding in Brazil on digital rights.

Access Now condemns blocking of WhatsApp in Brazil
17 Dec 2015
Access Now condemns blocking of WhatsApp in Brazil

Espiao bill: the rights in Brazil’s Marco Civil at risk

22 Oct 2015

The revolutionary legislation that served as a model for digital rights regulation globally is now in danger. Here is how some foreign ideas risk breaking the Marco Civil.

Espiao bill: the rights in Brazil’s Marco Civil at risk
22 Oct 2015
Espiao bill: the rights in Brazil’s Marco Civil at risk

Data retention in Peru: A poor copy of a bad idea

17 Aug 2015

On July 27, 2015, Ollanta Humala, President of Peru, issued a decree granting the national police the power to access the geo-location data of any device in the country without a warrant, as well as requiring companies to store users’ communications metadata for three years. Now, the Peruvian congress has to decide whether it will ratify the policy.

Data retention in Peru: A poor copy of a bad idea
17 Aug 2015
Data retention in Peru: A poor copy of a bad idea

Access & Instituto de Tecnologia e Sociedade examine human rights impacts of cell phone registration

27 Jul 2015

Access has published research, undertaken in partnership with the Instituto de Tecnologia e Sociedade de Brasil, to address the Brazilian Telecommunications Agency (Anatel)’s plan to block unregistered cell phones in Brazil.

Access & Instituto de Tecnologia e Sociedade examine human rights impacts of cell phone registration
27 Jul 2015
Access & Instituto de Tecnologia e Sociedade examine human rights impacts of cell phone registration

Breaking news: “Pyrawebs” rejected for good [Espanol/English]

4 Jun 2015

This afternoon, the Paraguayan Senate voted against a bill that would have mandated internet service providers (ISPs) to store internet communications metadata for one year, thus rejecting the “Pyrawebs” initiative for good.

Breaking news: “Pyrawebs” rejected for good [Espanol/English]
4 Jun 2015
Breaking news: “Pyrawebs” rejected for good [Espanol/English]

Pyrawebs: the menacing return of mass surveillance in Paraguay [Espanol / English]

1 Jun 2015

The Paraguayan Senate will vote this week on the data retention bill known as #Pyrawebs. Despite the fact that the bill was previously rejected by the House of Representatives in March after heavy criticism, its proponents are pushing ahead with this privacy-curtailing piece of legislation. | El Senado paraguayo tratará esta semana la iniciativa de retención de datos de tráfico de internet, conocida como #Pyrawebs. Tras el rechazo en la Cámara de Diputados a causa de un amplio descontento social, los senadores proyectistas insisten con un proyecto que viola la privacidad y daña la libre expresión.

Pyrawebs: the menacing return of mass surveillance in Paraguay [Espanol / English]
1 Jun 2015
Pyrawebs: the menacing return of mass surveillance in Paraguay [Espanol / English]
| joint letter update: a response to Facebook’s “myths and facts”

19 May 2015

Facebook has published “myths and facts” about in an attempt to address the growing concerns that digital rights defenders have about the program. But its “demythification” attempt falls short.

Post joint letter update: a response to Facebook’s “myths and facts”
19 May 2015 joint letter update: a response to Facebook’s “myths and facts”

Facebook en la OEA y Zero Rating: neutralidad en peligro en Latinoamérica

22 Apr 2015

Facebook’s expansion into Latin America with its program undermines Net Neutrality and raises troubling questions about development and the internet.

Facebook en la OEA y Zero Rating: neutralidad en peligro en Latinoamérica
22 Apr 2015
Facebook en la OEA y Zero Rating: neutralidad en peligro en Latinoamérica

Access submits comments on zero rating to government of Brazil

2 Apr 2015

Almost a year after the approval of Brazil’s landmark Marco Civil da Internet, the government is seeking public comments on how best to implement the legislation. Access submitted a brief on zero rating, a dangerous practice that threatens to undermine the open internet in the country.

Access submits comments on zero rating to government of Brazil
2 Apr 2015
Access submits comments on zero rating to government of Brazil