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Javier Pallero

Director - Policy & International Programs

Javier is Access Now's Policy Director. Before joining Access Now, he worked for several years with digital rights organizations in Argentina, conducting policy analysis and promoting human rights activism on the net. He also was a teaching assistant at Cordoba's National University in Argentina on the subject of Internet Law and Economics while serving as a consultant and speaker in the local media. In addition to all of this, Javier is an amateur musician who is passionate about the internet and its power for social change.

Sociedad civil y organizaciones académicas preocupadas por proyecto de ley para bloquear sitios web y aplicaciones en Argentina

29 Aug 2016

Las organizaciones abajo firmantes, referentes en materia de Derechos Humanos aplicados a las tecnologías, manifestamos nuestra preocupación por el proyecto de Ley de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires.

Press Release
Sociedad civil y organizaciones académicas preocupadas por proyecto de ley para bloquear sitios web y aplicaciones en Argentina
29 Aug 2016
Sociedad civil y organizaciones académicas preocupadas por proyecto de ley para bloquear sitios web y aplicaciones en Argentina
|Fundacion Karisma||

LACIGF 2016: A Latin American view on internet governance

16 Aug 2016

Our report from the Latin American Internet Governance Forum, where we helped map out the challenges and opportunities for digital rights across the region.

LACIGF 2016: A Latin American view on internet governance
16 Aug 2016
LACIGF 2016: A Latin American view on internet governance

Argentina: don’t criminalize security research in e-voting

15 Aug 2016

Argentina is reforming its election system and moving to adopt electronic voting machines, but proposed laws on “tampering” put security research at risk.

Argentina: don’t criminalize security research in e-voting
15 Aug 2016
Argentina: don’t criminalize security research in e-voting

Brazil must protect the Marco Civil regulatory decree

27 Jun 2016

The decree represents a step forward for digital rights in Brazil, built on the foundation of the Marco Civil. It should be preserved, not discarded.

Brazil must protect the Marco Civil regulatory decree
27 Jun 2016
Brazil must protect the Marco Civil regulatory decree

WhatsApp is back, but the fight to #KeepItOn in Brazil continues

3 May 2016

WhatsApp is back in Brazil. But the battle continues to stop cybercrime bills that threaten to make internet shutdowns commonplace.

WhatsApp is back, but the fight to #KeepItOn in Brazil continues
3 May 2016
WhatsApp is back, but the fight to #KeepItOn in Brazil continues

Bloqueo de aplicaciones en Brasil: excepciones que se vuelven reglas

2 May 2016

Un juez brasileño acaba de ordenar el bloqueo de WhatsApp en ese país por 72 horas. Esta medida desproporcionada pone los derechos de los usuarios en riesgo al privar a ciudadanos respetuosos de la ley de una de las plataformas de comunicación más populares en Brasil.

Bloqueo de aplicaciones en Brasil: excepciones que se vuelven reglas
2 May 2016
Bloqueo de aplicaciones en Brasil: excepciones que se vuelven reglas

Brazil moves to block WhatsApp (again)

2 May 2016

For the second time, a judge in Brazil ordered the blocking of WhatsApp during a criminal investigation, instantly shutting off access for 100 million users.

Brazil moves to block WhatsApp (again)
2 May 2016
Brazil moves to block WhatsApp (again)

Cybercrime proposals would gut digital rights in Brazil. Join us to stop them.

21 Apr 2016

Cybercrime proposals are threatening privacy and free expression in Brazil, but civil society is fighting back.

Cybercrime proposals would gut digital rights in Brazil. Join us to stop them.
21 Apr 2016
Cybercrime proposals would gut digital rights in Brazil. Join us to stop them.

¿Por qué Bolivia quiere regular las redes sociales y prohibir el anonimato en línea?

10 Mar 2016

Después de la derrota en el referéndum para que el gobierno siga en el poder, Bolivia explora la reglamentación de las opiniones en internet.

¿Por qué Bolivia quiere regular las redes sociales y prohibir el anonimato en línea?
10 Mar 2016
¿Por qué Bolivia quiere regular las redes sociales y prohibir el anonimato en línea?

Why does Bolivia want to regulate social media and ban anonymity online?

10 Mar 2016

After a referendum to keep the ruling government in power failed, Bolivia explores a social media crackdown.

Why does Bolivia want to regulate social media and ban anonymity online?
10 Mar 2016
Why does Bolivia want to regulate social media and ban anonymity online?