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Javier Pallero

Director - Policy & International Programs

Javier is Access Now's Policy Director. Before joining Access Now, he worked for several years with digital rights organizations in Argentina, conducting policy analysis and promoting human rights activism on the net. He also was a teaching assistant at Cordoba's National University in Argentina on the subject of Internet Law and Economics while serving as a consultant and speaker in the local media. In addition to all of this, Javier is an amateur musician who is passionate about the internet and its power for social change.
deceptive designs US lawmakers

Learn and share: Comparing “OTT” and telecom services

1 Jun 2017

Our new infographic shows why lawmakers should be wary of applying telecom-style rules to “OTT” services.

Learn and share: Comparing “OTT” and telecom services
1 Jun 2017
Learn and share: Comparing “OTT” and telecom services

Civil society unites against internet censorship in Venezuela

1 Jun 2017

A presidential decree has authorized online surveillance and censorship in Venezuela. We’re joining our civil society partners to defend fundamental rights.

Civil society unites against internet censorship in Venezuela
1 Jun 2017
Civil society unites against internet censorship in Venezuela
deceptive designs US lawmakers

Internet vs. telecommunication services: differences that matter for users’ rights

22 May 2017

It doesn’t make sense to treat “OTT” services the way we do telecommunications networks. It also risks human rights.

Internet vs. telecommunication services: differences that matter for users’ rights
22 May 2017
Internet vs. telecommunication services: differences that matter for users’ rights

Watch out: bad regulation of OTT services can risk your rights

11 May 2017

Force-fitting telecom-style rules onto internet content and services can have profoundly negative implications for users’ rights.

Watch out: bad regulation of OTT services can risk your rights
11 May 2017
Watch out: bad regulation of OTT services can risk your rights

Bloqueos de aplicaciones: una práctica abusiva en Latinoamérica

10 May 2017

Este tipo de decisiones tomadas por legisladores y jueces sin el correspondiente análisis, ponen en riesgo el ejercicio de los derechos digitales de los usuarios.

Bloqueos de aplicaciones: una práctica abusiva en Latinoamérica
10 May 2017
Bloqueos de aplicaciones: una práctica abusiva en Latinoamérica

Paraguay: jueza censura a activistas digitales contra la violencia de género

15 Mar 2017

Una decisión judicial en Paraguay limita seriamente la libre expresión de activistas de género en línea.

Paraguay: jueza censura a activistas digitales contra la violencia de género
15 Mar 2017
Paraguay: jueza censura a activistas digitales contra la violencia de género

International groups reject Mexican government surveillance of public health advocates

16 Feb 2017

Mexico needs to stop its spying on activists, says a coalition of civil society groups.

International groups reject Mexican government surveillance of public health advocates
16 Feb 2017
International groups reject Mexican government surveillance of public health advocates

Documento de posición: El “derecho al olvido” y su impacto en la protección de los Derechos Humanos

14 Oct 2016
Documento de posición: El “derecho al olvido” y su impacto en la protección de los Derechos Humanos
14 Oct 2016
Documento de posición: El “derecho al olvido” y su impacto en la protección de los Derechos Humanos

App blocking in Argentina: a bad idea that must be dropped permanently

7 Sep 2016

A dangerous proposal threatens to give local authorities in Buenos Aires the power to block entire apps and websites — without a court order.

App blocking in Argentina: a bad idea that must be dropped permanently
7 Sep 2016
App blocking in Argentina: a bad idea that must be dropped permanently

Bloqueo de aplicaciones en Argentina: un plan que se resiste a morir

2 Sep 2016

El tratamiento del proyecto fue suspendido pero aún no ha sido rechazado por completo. Tenemos serias preocupaciones de que vuelva a ser introducido con modificaciones que no solucionarán los graves problemas legales y técnicos que ocasiona.

Bloqueo de aplicaciones en Argentina: un plan que se resiste a morir
2 Sep 2016
Bloqueo de aplicaciones en Argentina: un plan que se resiste a morir