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Javier Pallero

Director - Policy & International Programs

Javier is Access Now’s Policy Director. Before joining Access Now, he worked for several years with digital rights organizations in Argentina, conducting policy analysis and promoting human rights activism on the net. He also was a teaching assistant at Cordoba’s National University in Argentina on the subject of Internet Law and Economics while serving as a consultant and speaker in the local media. In addition to all of this, Javier is an amateur musician who is passionate about the internet and its power for social change.


Privacy, yes! But not at the ITU

16 Oct 2017

The structure and mandate of the International Telecommunications Union make it a poor vehicle for crafting policy on privacy.

Privacy, yes! But not at the ITU
16 Oct 2017
Privacy, yes! But not at the ITU

Paraguay vetoes biometrics bill, but still needs better laws to protect data

4 Oct 2017

To protect users’ privacy and digital security, Paraguay must pass comprehensive data protection regulation.

Paraguay vetoes biometrics bill, but still needs better laws to protect data
4 Oct 2017
Paraguay vetoes biometrics bill, but still needs better laws to protect data

Chile’s “Spy Decree” threatens to make data retention even more dangerous

3 Oct 2017

A new data retention decree in Chile would deepen the existing problems with the law.

Chile’s “Spy Decree” threatens to make data retention even more dangerous
3 Oct 2017
Chile’s “Spy Decree” threatens to make data retention even more dangerous
deceptive designs US lawmakers

Access Now position paper: Protecting digital rights in the “OTT” debate

28 Aug 2017

We offer high-level principles and recommendations to help policymakers, regulators, and civil society understand and engage in the “OTT” debate.

Access Now position paper: Protecting digital rights in the “OTT” debate
28 Aug 2017
Access Now position paper: Protecting digital rights in the “OTT” debate

Brazil: multistakeholder internet governance model under threat

10 Aug 2017

The Temer administration proposes yet another move that might weaken civil society participation in domestic internet policy.

Brazil: multistakeholder internet governance model under threat
10 Aug 2017
Brazil: multistakeholder internet governance model under threat

Globos de vigilancia en Buenos Aires: peligro para la privacidad

7 Aug 2017

Vigilancia en público: un tema de derechos.

Globos de vigilancia en Buenos Aires: peligro para la privacidad
7 Aug 2017
Globos de vigilancia en Buenos Aires: peligro para la privacidad

Connectivity problems raise red flags ahead of Venezuelan elections

28 Jul 2017

Is the government attempting to muzzle online speech and cut off access to information?

Connectivity problems raise red flags ahead of Venezuelan elections
28 Jul 2017
Connectivity problems raise red flags ahead of Venezuelan elections

Activistas brasileños quieren salvar la banda ancha en Brasil

21 Jun 2017

Buenas noticias: El Congreso Brasileño está considerando aprobar un Proyecto de Ley que prohíbe la práctica de limitación por consumo de paquetes de datos (en adelante, “data caps” ) en la provisión de internet fijo de banda ancha en Brasil.

Activistas brasileños quieren salvar la banda ancha en Brasil
21 Jun 2017
Activistas brasileños quieren salvar la banda ancha en Brasil

Activists are close to saving broadband in Brazil

20 Jun 2017

Thanks to activists pushing back against data caps for internet use, we could see a law to ban the practice — a boon for innovation and free expression in Brazil.

Activists are close to saving broadband in Brazil
20 Jun 2017
Activists are close to saving broadband in Brazil

Supreme Court of Brazil holds hearings on blocking apps

2 Jun 2017

Is blocking WhatsApp consistent with the freedom of communication and the rights guaranteed under the Marco Civil da Internet?

Supreme Court of Brazil holds hearings on blocking apps
2 Jun 2017
Supreme Court of Brazil holds hearings on blocking apps