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Javier Pallero

Director - Policy & International Programs

Javier is Access Now's Policy Director. Before joining Access Now, he worked for several years with digital rights organizations in Argentina, conducting policy analysis and promoting human rights activism on the net. He also was a teaching assistant at Cordoba's National University in Argentina on the subject of Internet Law and Economics while serving as a consultant and speaker in the local media. In addition to all of this, Javier is an amateur musician who is passionate about the internet and its power for social change.

Guide: how to protect human rights in content governance

3 Mar 2020

We offer 26 recommendations on content governance to help lawmakers, regulators, and company leaders make decisions that will safeguard human rights.

Guide: how to protect human rights in content governance
3 Mar 2020
Guide: how to protect human rights in content governance

Blocking apps by ministerial decree enables illegal content takedowns in Peru

20 Dec 2019

The Ministry of Transport and Communications in Peru gave itself the power to order internet service providers to block apps and services that offer illegal transportation services. The decree does not respect the national legal framework nor human rights principles of legality and proportionality, paving the way to arbitrary decisions.

Blocking apps by ministerial decree enables illegal content takedowns in Peru
20 Dec 2019
Blocking apps by ministerial decree enables illegal content takedowns in Peru

Comunicado: Sí y mil veces sí al cifrado 

31 Oct 2019
Press Release
Comunicado: Sí y mil veces sí al cifrado 
31 Oct 2019
Comunicado: Sí y mil veces sí al cifrado 

G7 internet charter has its foundations right, but key elements still threaten human rights

19 Sep 2019

It’s concerning to see leading democratic governments continue to delegate the interpretation and application of laws to private companies and double down on the use of automated upload filters, prone to censoring free speech online.

Press Release
G7 internet charter has its foundations right, but key elements still threaten human rights
19 Sep 2019
G7 internet charter has its foundations right, but key elements still threaten human rights
UNHRC_Eric Bridiers

United Nations: Access Now on joint declaration “Challenges to freedom of expression in the next decade”

12 Jul 2019

Access Now welcomes the joint declaration from the United Nations that calls on governments globally to protect encryption and anonymity, safeguard net neutrality, and rein in the abuse of surveillance technologies.

Press Release
United Nations: Access Now on joint declaration “Challenges to freedom of expression in the next decade”
12 Jul 2019
United Nations: Access Now on joint declaration “Challenges to freedom of expression in the next decade”

Sesiones y expositores: América Latina en RightsCon Túnez

6 Jun 2019

Estas son algunas de las sesiones que abordarán temas relacionados a América Latina en RightsCon Túnez.

Sesiones y expositores: América Latina en RightsCon Túnez
6 Jun 2019
Sesiones y expositores: América Latina en RightsCon Túnez
RightsCon session videos|IGF

Access Now: Christchurch Call emphasizes human rights, but needs meaningful participation and transparency for rights-respecting outcome

15 May 2019

Any attempt to set policies or binding regulations that impact online speech will be successful only if it is truly inclusive and genuinely garners insight and expertise from civil society.

Press Release
Access Now: Christchurch Call emphasizes human rights, but needs meaningful participation and transparency for rights-respecting outcome
15 May 2019
Access Now: Christchurch Call emphasizes human rights, but needs meaningful participation and transparency for rights-respecting outcome

Access Now on the Christchurch Call: rights, wrongs, and what’s next

15 May 2019

Governments and tech companies have published the Christchurch Call with the aim of eliminating violent and extremist content online. Civil society needs to be a central part of crafting a rights-respecting implementation.

Access Now on the Christchurch Call: rights, wrongs, and what’s next
15 May 2019
Access Now on the Christchurch Call: rights, wrongs, and what’s next
Indonesia MR5 Amicus Brief

Free expression at scale: a human rights guide to content moderation

13 May 2019

Access Now releases preliminary recommendations for content moderation and Facebook’s planned oversight board.

Free expression at scale: a human rights guide to content moderation
13 May 2019
Free expression at scale: a human rights guide to content moderation

A bill in Venezuela seeks to give the government absolute control over the internet

17 Jan 2019

A proposed cybersecurity bill in Venezuela puts the digital rights of Venezuelans — and the entire internet in the country — in jeopardy.

A bill in Venezuela seeks to give the government absolute control over the internet
17 Jan 2019
A bill in Venezuela seeks to give the government absolute control over the internet