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Wafa Ben Hassine : Ethical Artificial Intelligence

11 Feb 2019
Wafa Ben Hassine : Ethical Artificial Intelligence
11 Feb 2019
Wafa Ben Hassine : Ethical Artificial Intelligence

The same data used to protect immigrants could be used to deport them

11 Feb 2019
The same data used to protect immigrants could be used to deport them
11 Feb 2019
The same data used to protect immigrants could be used to deport them

Africa Roundup: Zimbabwe’s net blackout, Partech’s $143M fund, Andela’s $100M raise, Flutterwave’s pivot

7 Feb 2019
Africa Roundup: Zimbabwe’s net blackout, Partech’s $143M fund, Andela’s $100M raise, Flutterwave’s pivot
7 Feb 2019
Africa Roundup: Zimbabwe’s net blackout, Partech’s $143M fund, Andela’s $100M raise, Flutterwave’s pivot

The Internet Can Be Used To Empower — Or Silence — Mass Protests

7 Feb 2019
The Internet Can Be Used To Empower — Or Silence — Mass Protests
7 Feb 2019
The Internet Can Be Used To Empower — Or Silence — Mass Protests

Nigeria: what will Buhari do with Digital Rights Bill?

6 Feb 2019
Nigeria: what will Buhari do with Digital Rights Bill?
6 Feb 2019
Nigeria: what will Buhari do with Digital Rights Bill?

Civil Liberties Groups Warn Proposed EU ‘Terrorist Content’ Rule a Threat to Democratic Values

5 Feb 2019
Civil Liberties Groups Warn Proposed EU ‘Terrorist Content’ Rule a Threat to Democratic Values
5 Feb 2019
Civil Liberties Groups Warn Proposed EU ‘Terrorist Content’ Rule a Threat to Democratic Values

Quel est le meilleur type d’authentification multifacteur pour moi?

4 Feb 2019

Access Now présente un guide afin de vous aider à choisir la méthode d’authentification multifacteur qui vous convient le mieux.

Quel est le meilleur type d’authentification multifacteur pour moi?
4 Feb 2019
Quel est le meilleur type d’authentification multifacteur pour moi?

Kein Internet – kein Widerstand? Afrikas Regierungen nutzen Shutdowns als Waffe gegen Aktivis

30 Jan 2019
Kein Internet – kein Widerstand? Afrikas Regierungen nutzen Shutdowns als Waffe gegen Aktivis
30 Jan 2019
Kein Internet – kein Widerstand? Afrikas Regierungen nutzen Shutdowns als Waffe gegen Aktivis

Reports of internet blocks and media censorship as power struggle tensions escalate in Venezuela

26 Jan 2019
Reports of internet blocks and media censorship as power struggle tensions escalate in Venezuela
26 Jan 2019
Reports of internet blocks and media censorship as power struggle tensions escalate in Venezuela

The Venezuelan Crisis Also Lives Online

25 Jan 2019
The Venezuelan Crisis Also Lives Online
25 Jan 2019
The Venezuelan Crisis Also Lives Online