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Estelle Massé

Europe Legislative Manager and Global Data Protection Lead

Estelle is Europe Legislative Manager and Global Data Protection Lead at Access Now. Her work focuses on data protection, privacy, surveillance and telecoms policies. In particular, Estelle leads the work of the organisation on data protection in the EU and around the world. She is a member of the Multistakeholder Expert Group of the European Commission to support the application of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). She is a member of the World Economic Forum's Global Future Council on Data Policy and of the Reference Panel of the Global Privacy Assembly. She graduated with a Master in European Law from the University of Granada, Spain.

Where can you find Access Now at CPDP 2022?

17 May 2022

Here’s a guide to where you can find Access Now at the Computers, Privacy & Data Protection (CPDP) 2022 conference.

Where can you find Access Now at CPDP 2022?
17 May 2022
Where can you find Access Now at CPDP 2022?
EU Ukraine

Open letter to the EU: protect people affected by Russia’s attack on Ukraine

2 Mar 2022

In a letter to the EU, Access Now provides recommendations related to tech platforms and telecoms operators in the context of the war in Ukraine.

Press Release
Open letter to the EU: protect people affected by Russia’s attack on Ukraine
2 Mar 2022
Open letter to the EU: protect people affected by Russia’s attack on Ukraine
Data-Protection-Day-2022|Data Protection Day 2022 Post Header

The best and the worst in 2022: data protection laws across the world

27 Jan 2022

On Data Protection Day, Access Now reviews the countries with some of the best and worst data protection laws in 2022.

The best and the worst in 2022: data protection laws across the world
27 Jan 2022
The best and the worst in 2022: data protection laws across the world
Día de la Protección de Datos Personales 2022|data

Lo mejor y lo peor para 2022: Leyes de protección de datos a nivel global

27 Jan 2022
Lo mejor y lo peor para 2022: Leyes de protección de datos a nivel global
27 Jan 2022
Lo mejor y lo peor para 2022: Leyes de protección de datos a nivel global
India’s Digital Personal Data Protection Bill passed: “it’s a bad law”

Access Now’s answers to the United Kingdom data protection reform consultation

21 Nov 2021
Access Now’s answers to the United Kingdom data protection reform consultation
21 Nov 2021
Access Now’s answers to the United Kingdom data protection reform consultation
COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps

One Year Under COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps: What Has Europe Learned? – A report by Access Now and Liberties

28 Oct 2021

A year after the introduction of COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps in Europe, Access Now and Liberties look at their impact on digital rights.

One Year Under COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps: What Has Europe Learned? – A report by Access Now and Liberties
28 Oct 2021
One Year Under COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps: What Has Europe Learned? – A report by Access Now and Liberties
ITFlows artificial intelligence

Submission to the European Commission’s consultation on the Artificial Intelligence Act

5 Aug 2021
Submission to the European Commission’s consultation on the Artificial Intelligence Act
5 Aug 2021
Submission to the European Commission’s consultation on the Artificial Intelligence Act
The EU must hold VLOPs accountable

Digital Services Act – Proposal for amendments to the JURI Committee

10 Jul 2021
Digital Services Act – Proposal for amendments to the JURI Committee
10 Jul 2021
Digital Services Act – Proposal for amendments to the JURI Committee

Reform of the ePrivacy Regulation – Joint 4 columns document proposal by Access Now, noyb, EDRi, IT Pol, and Privacy International

2 Jul 2021
Reform of the ePrivacy Regulation – Joint 4 columns document proposal by Access Now, noyb, EDRi, IT Pol, and Privacy International
2 Jul 2021
Reform of the ePrivacy Regulation – Joint 4 columns document proposal by Access Now, noyb, EDRi, IT Pol, and Privacy International
The EU must hold VLOPs accountable

Digital Services Act – Proposal for amendments to the IMCO Committee

27 Jun 2021
Digital Services Act – Proposal for amendments to the IMCO Committee
27 Jun 2021
Digital Services Act – Proposal for amendments to the IMCO Committee