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Estelle Massé

Europe Legislative Manager and Global Data Protection Lead

Estelle is Europe Legislative Manager and Global Data Protection Lead at Access Now. Her work focuses on data protection, privacy, surveillance and telecoms policies. In particular, Estelle leads the work of the organisation on data protection in the EU and around the world. She is a member of the Multistakeholder Expert Group of the European Commission to support the application of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). She is a member of the World Economic Forum's Global Future Council on Data Policy and of the Reference Panel of the Global Privacy Assembly. She graduated with a Master in European Law from the University of Granada, Spain.

Biden signs Executive Order for EU-US data transfer deal: privacy and surveillance reforms missing

7 Oct 2022

The Executive Order for a new EU-US data transfer deal is not sufficient to protect privacy and reform disproportionate US surveillance programmes.

Press Release
Biden signs Executive Order for EU-US data transfer deal: privacy and surveillance reforms missing
7 Oct 2022
Biden signs Executive Order for EU-US data transfer deal: privacy and surveillance reforms missing

Why data minimisation matters for safe data transfers and more

8 Sep 2022

Data flows with trust are critical for realising human rights online. But to be sustainable, they need robust and comprehensive data protection, data security, privacy safeguards, and human rights frameworks that protect people’s information. Data minimisation is key for making this possible.

Why data minimisation matters for safe data transfers and more
8 Sep 2022
Why data minimisation matters for safe data transfers and more

TikTok forced to pause plans for privacy-intrusive ads

12 Jul 2022

TikTok has paused its plan to impose personalised ads on people in EEA, UK, and Switzerland, after Access Now told the company that it must scrap this action.

Press Release
TikTok forced to pause plans for privacy-intrusive ads
12 Jul 2022
TikTok forced to pause plans for privacy-intrusive ads

Four year under the GDPR: how to fix its enforcement

12 Jul 2022

Access Now’s new report unpacks the problems with the application of the GDPR, and lays out concrete recommendations for a solution.

Four year under the GDPR: how to fix its enforcement
12 Jul 2022
Four year under the GDPR: how to fix its enforcement

Four years of slow enforcement: a new EU law will save the GDPR

12 Jul 2022

Access Now’s new report explains how the European Commission can save the GDPR — by introducing a supporting legislative act to bolster its application.

Press Release
Four years of slow enforcement: a new EU law will save the GDPR
12 Jul 2022
Four years of slow enforcement: a new EU law will save the GDPR

“Save the GDPR”: our message to the European Commission

12 Jul 2022

The GDPR is at risk of failing due to slow and unequal enforcement. Access Now presents recommendations to the EU Commission to save the GDPR.

“Save the GDPR”: our message to the European Commission
12 Jul 2022
“Save the GDPR”: our message to the European Commission
Focused View

Immediately no: TikTok’s new personalised ads will jeopardise rights in Europe

5 Jul 2022

TikTok must halt its plan to force personalised ads on all users over 18, and the European Data Protection Board to should intervene.

Press Release
Immediately no: TikTok’s new personalised ads will jeopardise rights in Europe
5 Jul 2022
Immediately no: TikTok’s new personalised ads will jeopardise rights in Europe

In a bittersweet ruling, EU Court of Justice allows EU-wide border surveillance scheme but clarifies its limits

21 Jun 2022

Despite years of Access Now campaigning against the PNR Directive, the CJEU has ruled that the Directive is compatible with EU law and human rights.

Press Release
In a bittersweet ruling, EU Court of Justice allows EU-wide border surveillance scheme but clarifies its limits
21 Jun 2022
In a bittersweet ruling, EU Court of Justice allows EU-wide border surveillance scheme but clarifies its limits

The right to lodge a data protection complaint under the GDPR: OK, but then what?

15 Jun 2022

This study commissioned by Access Now from The Data Protection Law Scholars Network highlights how unequal the right to lodge a data protection complaint is across Europe.

The right to lodge a data protection complaint under the GDPR: OK, but then what?
15 Jun 2022
The right to lodge a data protection complaint under the GDPR: OK, but then what?

Access Now submission to the consultation of the European Data Protection Board’s guidelines on the use of facial recognition technology in the area of law enforcement

12 Jun 2022
Access Now submission to the consultation of the European Data Protection Board’s guidelines on the use of facial recognition technology in the area of law enforcement
12 Jun 2022
Access Now submission to the consultation of the European Data Protection Board’s guidelines on the use of facial recognition technology in the area of law enforcement