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Ella Jakubowska

Policy and Campaigns Officer at EDRi

Ella is a Policy and Campaigns Officer at EDRi. She leads EDRi's advocacy on biometric technologies (such as facial recognition) and is also involved the team's work on artificial intelligence, human rights due diligence and non-discrimination. She holds an interdisciplinary MSc in Human Rights, with a research focus on feminist approaches to Science & Technology. Prior to joining EDRi, Ella worked in digital business transformation.
Algorithmic accountability

Attention EU regulators: we need more than AI “ethics” to keep us safe

21 Oct 2020

Access Now and European Digital Rights explain why we need a bold, bright-line approach to regulating AI — not more AI ethics guidelines and soft law — to protect our fundamental rights.

Attention EU regulators: we need more than AI “ethics” to keep us safe
21 Oct 2020
Attention EU regulators: we need more than AI “ethics” to keep us safe