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Drew Mitnick

Policy Counsel

Drew works on cybersecurity, digital due process, and privacy. He has experience working on human rights in Asia and the United States. Drew was previously a Senior Research Associate for the Public International Law and Policy Group and served as the Managing Online Editor of the Human Rights Brief. He received his law degree from American University Washington College of Law where he served as a JD Distinguished Fellow. In a previous life, he lived in Nashville where he played drums for a rock band.
CVE Online

Companies that partner to counter “violent extremism” online must also collaborate to respect rights

8 Dec 2016

Tech companies should not address the problem of “terrorist” content through private enforcement schemes that fail to meet human rights standards.

Companies that partner to counter “violent extremism” online must also collaborate to respect rights
8 Dec 2016
Companies that partner to counter “violent extremism” online must also collaborate to respect rights

The UK Parliament shows disregard for digital rights by approving Snooper’s Charter

17 Nov 2016

The UK has codified and expanded mass government surveillance, making people less free and less safe.

Press Release
The UK Parliament shows disregard for digital rights by approving Snooper’s Charter
17 Nov 2016
The UK Parliament shows disregard for digital rights by approving Snooper’s Charter
U.S. Congressional briefing

U.S. broadband privacy rules grant users control, meaningful rights protections

7 Nov 2016

What they signal: Your privacy matters

U.S. broadband privacy rules grant users control, meaningful rights protections
7 Nov 2016
U.S. broadband privacy rules grant users control, meaningful rights protections
U.S. Congressional briefing

Access Now congratulates FCC on passing historic broadband privacy rules

27 Oct 2016

United States FCC voted to enact historic rules to protect the privacy of broadband internet users.

Press Release
Access Now congratulates FCC on passing historic broadband privacy rules
27 Oct 2016
Access Now congratulates FCC on passing historic broadband privacy rules

Can you hear me now? Verizon’s opportunity to stand for global users

12 Oct 2016

Acquiring Yahoo! raises challenges and opportunities for Verizon.

Can you hear me now? Verizon’s opportunity to stand for global users
12 Oct 2016
Can you hear me now? Verizon’s opportunity to stand for global users

Access Now backs congressional action to prevent FBI hacking change

8 Sep 2016
Press Release
Access Now backs congressional action to prevent FBI hacking change
8 Sep 2016
Access Now backs congressional action to prevent FBI hacking change

Four ways the new proposal for bypassing MLATs fails human rights

20 Jul 2016

We need to fix the MLAT system, but the new proposal doesn’t really do that. It also fails to implement a true human rights framework.

Four ways the new proposal for bypassing MLATs fails human rights
20 Jul 2016
Four ways the new proposal for bypassing MLATs fails human rights

Privacy Shield: Third unlawful instrument to be approved by EU this year

8 Jul 2016

The latest version of the Privacy Shield data-transfer agreement between Europe and the United States still fails to protect privacy.

Press Release
Privacy Shield: Third unlawful instrument to be approved by EU this year
8 Jul 2016
Privacy Shield: Third unlawful instrument to be approved by EU this year

CISA: Six months later and none the better for the wear

16 Jun 2016

A hearing on the notorious cybersecurity law validates our concerns about CISA and other laws that do not protect internet users’ privacy in the U.S. or globally.

CISA: Six months later and none the better for the wear
16 Jun 2016
CISA: Six months later and none the better for the wear

These aren’t the drone standards you’re looking for

19 May 2016

Stakeholders in the U.S. sought consensus on drone privacy, but put forth weak standards riddled with loopholes.

These aren’t the drone standards you’re looking for
19 May 2016
These aren’t the drone standards you’re looking for