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Drew Mitnick

Policy Counsel

Drew works on cybersecurity, digital due process, and privacy. He has experience working on human rights in Asia and the United States. Drew was previously a Senior Research Associate for the Public International Law and Policy Group and served as the Managing Online Editor of the Human Rights Brief. He received his law degree from American University Washington College of Law where he served as a JD Distinguished Fellow. In a previous life, he lived in Nashville where he played drums for a rock band.

U.S. Microsoft Ireland case shows need for privacy safeguards in cross-border access to data

27 Feb 2018

Any system that permits governments to access data abroad must be built on human rights protections and account for the law of the countries involved.

U.S. Microsoft Ireland case shows need for privacy safeguards in cross-border access to data
27 Feb 2018
U.S. Microsoft Ireland case shows need for privacy safeguards in cross-border access to data

New U.S. CLOUD Act is a threat to global privacy

7 Feb 2018

This bill would give law enforcement around the globe — particularly in the U.S. — more access to users’ private data without sufficient privacy protections.

New U.S. CLOUD Act is a threat to global privacy
7 Feb 2018
New U.S. CLOUD Act is a threat to global privacy

After Meltdown and Spectre, we need better vulnerability disclosure and a stronger U.S. cyber framework

25 Jan 2018

Read our comments for NIST, a U.S. agency that creates technical standards, on its framework for cybersecurity.

After Meltdown and Spectre, we need better vulnerability disclosure and a stronger U.S. cyber framework
25 Jan 2018
After Meltdown and Spectre, we need better vulnerability disclosure and a stronger U.S. cyber framework

In cyber engagement strategy, Australia overlooks its own threats to user rights

17 Oct 2017

Our letter to the Australian Ambassador for Cyber Affairs points out that the government’s own current actions, including government hacking and threats to encryption, run counter to its commitments in the document.

In cyber engagement strategy, Australia overlooks its own threats to user rights
17 Oct 2017
In cyber engagement strategy, Australia overlooks its own threats to user rights

DreamHost disrupts U.S. DOJ plan for mass spying. Others should do the same.

17 Aug 2017

The expansive U.S. order stands in contravention of our fundamental rights to privacy and freedom of expression.

DreamHost disrupts U.S. DOJ plan for mass spying. Others should do the same.
17 Aug 2017
DreamHost disrupts U.S. DOJ plan for mass spying. Others should do the same.

Code for tolerance: How tech companies can respond to hate but respect human rights

17 Aug 2017

Baking human rights into processes and policies is the way forward.

Code for tolerance: How tech companies can respond to hate but respect human rights
17 Aug 2017
Code for tolerance: How tech companies can respond to hate but respect human rights

We (still) know where you’ll be next summer

19 Jul 2017

No matter who you are or where you’re from, if your plans include crossing a border in the EU, your private information is fair game. If you choose to visit the US, the situation may be even worse.

We (still) know where you’ll be next summer
19 Jul 2017
We (still) know where you’ll be next summer

Another cyber attack shows we need more cybersecurity defense, not offense

27 Jun 2017

Another day, another cyber attack wreaking havoc in systems around the world. Will we learn from this one?

Press Release
Another cyber attack shows we need more cybersecurity defense, not offense
27 Jun 2017
Another cyber attack shows we need more cybersecurity defense, not offense

How to make an MLAT “safe harbor” safe for users

15 Jun 2017

Any “safe harbor” mechanism for bypassing the MLAT system must entail increasing protections for human rights.

How to make an MLAT “safe harbor” safe for users
15 Jun 2017
How to make an MLAT “safe harbor” safe for users

How to fix MLATs — and a path toward resolving jurisdictional issues

23 May 2017

Our guidance for modernizing the system for cross-border access to data, and determining jurisdiction in a way that respects human rights.

How to fix MLATs — and a path toward resolving jurisdictional issues
23 May 2017
How to fix MLATs — and a path toward resolving jurisdictional issues