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Dhevy Sivaprakasam

Asia Pacific Policy Counsel

Dhevy is Access Now's Asia Pacific Policy Counsel. She previously worked at the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ), where she led thematic work on technology and human rights, focusing on freedom of expression and information online. Prior to working with the ICJ, Dhevy completed internships under the judges of the Trial Chamber at the UN Khmer Rouge Tribunal in Phnom Penh and with the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights' (OHCHR) Southeast Asia office in Bangkok. She has also worked in litigation in Singapore.
India fake news

Vietnam’s new social media take-down rules will intensify state censorship — they must be revoked

21 Apr 2022

Access Now is calling on Vietnam’s government to immediately revoke the new social media take-down rules.

Press Release
Vietnam’s new social media take-down rules will intensify state censorship — they must be revoked
21 Apr 2022
Vietnam’s new social media take-down rules will intensify state censorship — they must be revoked
Myanmar's digital dictatorship

It’s not over until it’s over: sanctions must stop Telenor’s sale to the Myanmar military

18 Mar 2022

Access Now is is calling for sanctions to stop Telenor’s irresponsible disposal of its Myanmar operations.

Press Release
It’s not over until it’s over: sanctions must stop Telenor’s sale to the Myanmar military
18 Mar 2022
It’s not over until it’s over: sanctions must stop Telenor’s sale to the Myanmar military
internet shutdown

Update: internet access, censorship, and the Myanmar coup

18 Mar 2022

The Myanmar military is consolidating control over the telecom sector, expanding surveillance and invading privacy. The telecom sector must push back.

Press Release
Update: internet access, censorship, and the Myanmar coup
18 Mar 2022
Update: internet access, censorship, and the Myanmar coup
Myanmar's digital dictatorship

The whole world’s watching: resist Myanmar’s digital coup

8 Feb 2022

Civil society is calling on the international community to stand with the people of Myanmar and resist the coup — both physical and digital.

Press Release
The whole world’s watching: resist Myanmar’s digital coup
8 Feb 2022
The whole world’s watching: resist Myanmar’s digital coup
Myanmar's digital dictatorship

Resist Myanmar’s digital coup: stop the military consolidating digital control

8 Feb 2022

Access Now and a coalition of human rights organizations call on the international and business community to resist the digital coup in Myanmar.

Press Release
Resist Myanmar’s digital coup: stop the military consolidating digital control
8 Feb 2022
Resist Myanmar’s digital coup: stop the military consolidating digital control
Myanmar's digital dictatorship

Open letter to the Prime Minister of Norway: stop the sale of Telenor Myanmar to M1 Group

31 Jan 2022

We write to the Prime Minister of Norway on behalf of 168 organisations in Myanmar to express our grave concern regarding the sale of Telenor Myanmar to M1 Group.

Press Release
Open letter to the Prime Minister of Norway: stop the sale of Telenor Myanmar to M1 Group
31 Jan 2022
Open letter to the Prime Minister of Norway: stop the sale of Telenor Myanmar to M1 Group

Analysis: the Myanmar junta’s Cybersecurity Law would be a disaster for human rights

27 Jan 2022

The Myanmar junta’s efforts to achieve ultimate control over civic space is continuing — through a devastating draft Cybersecurity Law.

Analysis: the Myanmar junta’s Cybersecurity Law would be a disaster for human rights
27 Jan 2022
Analysis: the Myanmar junta’s Cybersecurity Law would be a disaster for human rights
Corporate transparency Social card

As Myanmar junta extends control over telcos, surveillance and privacy risks increase

24 Jan 2022

Telenor must mitigate the human rights risks of its sale before passing on the private information of people in Myanmar to a military-linked operator.

Press Release
As Myanmar junta extends control over telcos, surveillance and privacy risks increase
24 Jan 2022
As Myanmar junta extends control over telcos, surveillance and privacy risks increase

Access Now to Telenor: where are the answers Myanmar deserves on the M1 sale?

17 Dec 2021

Access Now is once again calling on Telenor to address the rights risks that the sale to M1 Group will generate.

Press Release
Access Now to Telenor: where are the answers Myanmar deserves on the M1 sale?
17 Dec 2021
Access Now to Telenor: where are the answers Myanmar deserves on the M1 sale?
India fake news

Vietnam: Immediately release Pham Doan Trang and stop persecution of free speech

26 Oct 2021

We are urgently calling on Vietnam’s government to release independent journalist and human rights defender Pham Doan Trang.

Press Release
Vietnam: Immediately release Pham Doan Trang and stop persecution of free speech
26 Oct 2021
Vietnam: Immediately release Pham Doan Trang and stop persecution of free speech