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Dhevy Sivaprakasam

Asia Pacific Policy Counsel

Dhevy is Access Now's Asia Pacific Policy Counsel. She previously worked at the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ), where she led thematic work on technology and human rights, focusing on freedom of expression and information online. Prior to working with the ICJ, Dhevy completed internships under the judges of the Trial Chamber at the UN Khmer Rouge Tribunal in Phnom Penh and with the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights' (OHCHR) Southeast Asia office in Bangkok. She has also worked in litigation in Singapore.
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Cambodia: Ministries should withdraw draft cybersecurity law which would threaten human rights and expose people to increased cyber threats

2 Oct 2023

The draft Cybersecurity Law of Cambodia must be withdrawn because vague provisions undermine human rights and exposes people to increased cyber threats.

Press Release
Cambodia: Ministries should withdraw draft cybersecurity law which would threaten human rights and expose people to increased cyber threats
2 Oct 2023
Cambodia: Ministries should withdraw draft cybersecurity law which would threaten human rights and expose people to increased cyber threats
Indonesia MR5 Amicus Brief

Cambodia: Meta refuses to block Hun Sen’s accounts, implicitly encouraging incitement to violence

30 Aug 2023

By refusing to suspend Hun Sen’s Facebook and Instagram accounts, Meta has missed a crucial opportunity to oppose incitement to violence and hate speech online.

Press Release
Cambodia: Meta refuses to block Hun Sen’s accounts, implicitly encouraging incitement to violence
30 Aug 2023
Cambodia: Meta refuses to block Hun Sen’s accounts, implicitly encouraging incitement to violence
Thumbnail: social media

Vietnam’s identity verification mandate will violate international human rights

4 Aug 2023

Viet Nam’s Identity Verification Mandate will Violate International Human Rights.

Press Release
Vietnam’s identity verification mandate will violate international human rights
4 Aug 2023
Vietnam’s identity verification mandate will violate international human rights
Cambodia July 23 Elections

Raising the alarm over the genuineness of Cambodia’s elections

21 Jul 2023

Access Now is raising the alarm around Cambodia’s elections, highlighting the harassment of political opposition and civil society online and offline.

Press Release
Raising the alarm over the genuineness of Cambodia’s elections
21 Jul 2023
Raising the alarm over the genuineness of Cambodia’s elections
Digital rights

Access Now’s UNHRC statement: Urge arms embargo to stave off expanding military abuse of surveillance and digital tools against people of Myanmar

10 Jul 2023

Access Now’s UNHRC statement: Urge arms embargo to stave off expanding military abuse of surveillance and digital tools against people of Myanmar

Access Now’s UNHRC statement: Urge arms embargo to stave off expanding military abuse of surveillance and digital tools against people of Myanmar
10 Jul 2023
Access Now’s UNHRC statement: Urge arms embargo to stave off expanding military abuse of surveillance and digital tools against people of Myanmar
Net Neutrality

Online platforms must reject Cambodia prime minister’s incitement to violence

3 Jul 2023

Access Now urges digital platforms to remain alert to incendiary behavior and take steps to prevent online violence in Cambodia.

Press Release
Online platforms must reject Cambodia prime minister’s incitement to violence
3 Jul 2023
Online platforms must reject Cambodia prime minister’s incitement to violence
Indonesia MR5 Amicus Brief

Access Now to Indonesia court: website blocking rules violate human rights law and constitution

3 May 2023

Access Now, Open Net Korea, and Electronic Frontier Foundation filed an amicus curiae submission challenging the validity of Indonesia’s MR5.

Press Release
Access Now to Indonesia court: website blocking rules violate human rights law and constitution
3 May 2023
Access Now to Indonesia court: website blocking rules violate human rights law and constitution
Myanmar Counter-terrorism Law

မြန်မာနိုင်ငံမှာ မကြာမီက ပြဌာန်းသည့် “အကြမ်းဖက်မှုတိုက်ဖျက်ရေး” နည်းဥပဒေများသည် တရားမဝင် သည့် အရာများ ဖြစ်ပါသဖြင့် ရှုတ်ချကြောင်း ထုတ်ပြန်

19 Apr 2023
မြန်မာနိုင်ငံမှာ မကြာမီက ပြဌာန်းသည့် “အကြမ်းဖက်မှုတိုက်ဖျက်ရေး” နည်းဥပဒေများသည် တရားမဝင် သည့် အရာများ ဖြစ်ပါသဖြင့် ရှုတ်ချကြောင်း ထုတ်ပြန်
19 Apr 2023
မြန်မာနိုင်ငံမှာ မကြာမီက ပြဌာန်းသည့် “အကြမ်းဖက်မှုတိုက်ဖျက်ရေး” နည်းဥပဒေများသည် တရားမဝင် သည့် အရာများ ဖြစ်ပါသဖြင့် ရှုတ်ချကြောင်း ထုတ်ပြန်
Myanmar Counter-terrorism Law

Myanmar’s “counter-terrorism” by-laws must be denounced for what they are – illegal

19 Apr 2023

Myanmar’s counter-terrorism by-laws will allow the junta to access people’s personal data and tag them as terrorists.

Myanmar’s “counter-terrorism” by-laws must be denounced for what they are – illegal
19 Apr 2023
Myanmar’s “counter-terrorism” by-laws must be denounced for what they are – illegal
India fake news

Free speech in Vietnam: Hanoi’s People’s Court must drop all charges against journalist Nguyen Lan Thang

14 Apr 2023

Access Now and partners call on authorities in Vietnam to drop all charges against journalist Nguyen Lan Thang.

Press Release
Free speech in Vietnam: Hanoi’s People’s Court must drop all charges against journalist Nguyen Lan Thang
14 Apr 2023
Free speech in Vietnam: Hanoi’s People’s Court must drop all charges against journalist Nguyen Lan Thang