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Deniz Duru Aydin

Policy Fellow

Deniz (Email: [email protected], PGP Key: 0xD08E0F30) has been working on issues of internet governance, business and human rights and digital rights in Turkey as a Policy Fellow at Access Now. She is currently finishing her master's degree at the University of Oxford, studying the Social Science of the Internet. She is a member of the Youth Coalition on Internet Governance, as well as Freedom Online Coalition's Working Group 2 on Digital Development and Openness. Previously, she completed her undergraduate degree at New York University. For her undergraduate thesis, which was titled "Explaining the Variation in Government Digital Surveillance in OECD Countries: Evidence from Online Giants," she used data from ICT companies' transparency reports. Despite loving Oxford, she sometimes misses the ferries, tea and cats of her hometown, Istanbul.

Global Conference on Cyber Space heavy on “cyber,” light on solutions

23 Apr 2015

Last week representatives from government, the corporate sector, civil society, and academia flocked to the Hague in the Netherlands for the Global Conference on Cyberspace (GCCS) to talk about freedom, growth, and security online. Despite two day’s worth of sessions and side events, little of substance was accomplished when it comes to protecting internet users’ freedom or bulwarking the security of the internet.

Global Conference on Cyber Space heavy on “cyber,” light on solutions
23 Apr 2015
Global Conference on Cyber Space heavy on “cyber,” light on solutions

Turkey and Russia share dubious honor of leading content removal requests on Twitter

16 Mar 2015

Last month, Twitter released its most recent transparency report, and it provides important insights into the evolving issue of freedom of expression online. The report confirms that Turkey has become a hotbed of censorship since Tayyip Erdogan was sworn in as President in August 2014 and launched a crackdown on the media.

Turkey and Russia share dubious honor of leading content removal requests on Twitter
16 Mar 2015
Turkey and Russia share dubious honor of leading content removal requests on Twitter

Bold statements, “major events,” and karaoke abound in creative new transparency reports

6 Mar 2015

A year and a half after the Snowden revelations, more technology companies and telcos are publishing transparency reports on government requests for user information and content removals. Several companies published transparency reports for the first time in early 2015, including Daum Kakao, Reddit, Medium, and Cheezburger. These are innovative companies — and they came up with novel approaches to presenting their data and policies.

Bold statements, “major events,” and karaoke abound in creative new transparency reports
6 Mar 2015
Bold statements, “major events,” and karaoke abound in creative new transparency reports

In the Pursuit of Digital Rights: Spotlight on Turkey

6 Oct 2014

The ninth annual UN Internet Governance Forum (IGF) took place in Turkey in early September, placing a global spotlight on the country’s digital rights record. As we have seen in recent years, the UN-mandated forum has a tendency to give rise to complicated and unexpected consequences in its host country.

In the Pursuit of Digital Rights: Spotlight on Turkey
6 Oct 2014
In the Pursuit of Digital Rights: Spotlight on Turkey

APC, Access Briefing note to the Human Rights Council 27th Session

4 Sep 2014

This briefing note, prepared by APC and Access, highlights the key internet rights-related issues in the Human Rights Council’s agenda for the 27th session, as well as countries scrutinized in the Universal Periodic Review.

APC, Access Briefing note to the Human Rights Council 27th Session
4 Sep 2014
APC, Access Briefing note to the Human Rights Council 27th Session

Turkey: A “show trial” against peaceful Gezi activists

13 Jun 2014

Activists involved in the organization of the first Gezi park protests in Turkey are currently standing trial, which Amnesty International describes as “a vindictive, politically motivated show trial without a shred of evidence of actual crimes.”

Turkey: A “show trial” against peaceful Gezi activists
13 Jun 2014
Turkey: A “show trial” against peaceful Gezi activists

YouTube ban removed in Turkey after 67 days, but censorship threats persist

5 Jun 2014

Following 67 days of censorship, YouTube was unblocked in Turkey on Tuesday following a ruling last week by the Constitutional Court that the ban violates freedom of expression. While Access welcomes the Court’s decision, the underlying legal frameworks allowing such censorship still exist.

YouTube ban removed in Turkey after 67 days, but censorship threats persist
5 Jun 2014
YouTube ban removed in Turkey after 67 days, but censorship threats persist