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Cole Potter

Poverty in the U.S.? Yes — and it’s a digital rights issue

16 Nov 2017

We’re asking the United Nations to examine barriers to internet access, invasion of privacy for welfare recipients, and the targeted surveillance of immigrant, poor, and minority communities.

Poverty in the U.S.? Yes — and it’s a digital rights issue
16 Nov 2017
Poverty in the U.S.? Yes — and it’s a digital rights issue
NSO Group human rights

NSO Group “in like Flynn”? We must bring surveillance tech out of the shadows

21 Aug 2017

A spyware scandal may go all the way to the top echelons of U.S. power.

NSO Group “in like Flynn”? We must bring surveillance tech out of the shadows
21 Aug 2017
NSO Group “in like Flynn”? We must bring surveillance tech out of the shadows

DreamHost disrupts U.S. DOJ plan for mass spying. Others should do the same.

17 Aug 2017

The expansive U.S. order stands in contravention of our fundamental rights to privacy and freedom of expression.

DreamHost disrupts U.S. DOJ plan for mass spying. Others should do the same.
17 Aug 2017
DreamHost disrupts U.S. DOJ plan for mass spying. Others should do the same.
NSO Group human rights

Victims of NSO Group malware attacks deserve more than silence and complicity

14 Aug 2017

Surveillance and tracking complement and facilitate threats, torture, and murder. We need more action, not words, to stop the human rights violations.

Victims of NSO Group malware attacks deserve more than silence and complicity
14 Aug 2017
Victims of NSO Group malware attacks deserve more than silence and complicity

Scandinavia and Africa innovate while U.S. firms lose ground on transparency

3 Aug 2017

We’re seeing innovation in transparency reporting, and not always from the usual suspects. Here’s how Telia and Liquid Telecom are charging ahead.

Scandinavia and Africa innovate while U.S. firms lose ground on transparency
3 Aug 2017
Scandinavia and Africa innovate while U.S. firms lose ground on transparency

Access Now and EU orgs tell FCC: strengthen, don’t kill, Net Neutrality regs

18 Jul 2017

Here’s why we need to keep Title II protections for Net Neutrality in the U.S. — and build on them.

Access Now and EU orgs tell FCC: strengthen, don’t kill, Net Neutrality regs
18 Jul 2017
Access Now and EU orgs tell FCC: strengthen, don’t kill, Net Neutrality regs

Access Now at the United Nations: spyware in UAE, surveillance in France, and shutdowns in Africa

14 Jul 2017

Read our submissions to the United Nations on digital rights in Israel, the UAE, France, Burundi, and Mali.

Access Now at the United Nations: spyware in UAE, surveillance in France, and shutdowns in Africa
14 Jul 2017
Access Now at the United Nations: spyware in UAE, surveillance in France, and shutdowns in Africa