Ángela Alarcón
Campaigner, Latin America & the Caribbean
Senior advocacy and communications professional, Ángela Alarcón defends human rights in the digital era at Access Now in the Campaigner for Latin America and the Caribbean position. She has a great interest in surveillance technology in the region and the narratives around them, which led her to lead the #PorQueNosVigilan campaign. During her professional career, Ángela has been close to different human rights sectors, including migrants and women’s rights, and has gained expertise in countries like Costa Rica, Colombia, and Peru.
Always with a focus on human rights and LATAM, Ángela has been involved in different independent initiatives. During the pandemic, she developed a short podcast, named Estallido Social, which collects stories and voices around the social revolution that started in Chile in 2019 because of the price increase of the subway ticket. She also participated in the first Women’s Hackaton in Costa Rica, awarded second place with an app prototype on consumer’s rights. Ángela has also volunteered as an audiovisual advisor in the #UnHombreNoViola campaign in Cuzco, and as a pitching coach at Safari Doctors.
If you want to break the ice with Ángela you can recommend her some storytelling podcast, or show her a nice picture of your pets.