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Watch: Access Now’s Joseph Steele addresses 75th United Nations General Assembly

23 Sep 2020

In a U.N. meeting on protecting future generations in the digital era, Steele urged global stakeholders to cease exploitative data collection, renew the commitment to bring everyone meaningfully online, and stop internet shutdowns and unlawful censorship.

Watch: Access Now’s Joseph Steele addresses 75th United Nations General Assembly
23 Sep 2020
Watch: Access Now’s Joseph Steele addresses 75th United Nations General Assembly

نقف جنبا إلى جنب والفخر يعتلينا!

15 Jun 2020
نقف جنبا إلى جنب والفخر يعتلينا!
15 Jun 2020
نقف جنبا إلى جنب والفخر يعتلينا!

Standing together in Pride

11 Jun 2020

Pride Month in 2020 is not like previous years. With a global pandemic and a global reckoning on racial justice, our struggles have never intersected more. Our solidarity and resources are here for you.

Standing together in Pride
11 Jun 2020
Standing together in Pride

Standing with #BlackLivesMatter — for human rights, for justice, and for democracy

4 Jun 2020

Access Now stands in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement and all those exercising their fundamental right to protest across the United States and around the world to call for justice and an end to human rights violations against the Black community.

Press Release
Standing with #BlackLivesMatter — for human rights, for justice, and for democracy
4 Jun 2020
Standing with #BlackLivesMatter — for human rights, for justice, and for democracy

Protect digital rights, promote public health: toward a better coronavirus response

6 Mar 2020

By attending to key digital rights issues, those at the front lines of the COVID-19 humanitarian response can better understand the risks and make the right decisions.

Protect digital rights, promote public health: toward a better coronavirus response
6 Mar 2020
Protect digital rights, promote public health: toward a better coronavirus response

Lina Ben Mhenni, rest in power

29 Jan 2020

On January 27th, renowned Tunisian blogger and human rights defender Lina Ben Mhenni passed away. In honor of her contributions to human rights, we share some of her accomplishments in defending freedom of expression and fighting against internet censorship.

Lina Ben Mhenni, rest in power
29 Jan 2020
Lina Ben Mhenni, rest in power

لينا بن مهني: ارقدي في سلام …

29 Jan 2020
لينا بن مهني: ارقدي في سلام …
29 Jan 2020
لينا بن مهني: ارقدي في سلام …

Internet Governance Forum Town Hall meeting on Save.ORG

28 Nov 2019
Internet Governance Forum Town Hall meeting on Save.ORG
28 Nov 2019
Internet Governance Forum Town Hall meeting on Save.ORG

Access Now calls on Internet Society to halt the sale of .ORG

27 Nov 2019

Internet Society (ISOC) intends to sell the control of the .ORG domain registry for an undisclosed amount to a for-profit private equity firm called Ethos Capital.

Press Release
Access Now calls on Internet Society to halt the sale of .ORG
27 Nov 2019
Access Now calls on Internet Society to halt the sale of .ORG
NSO Group human rights

Export bans alone won’t stop surveillance — we need a new global approach

18 Nov 2019

The impact that surveillance technology has had on vulnerable individuals and members of at-risk communities demonstrates why comprehensive, systemic regulation of this industry is both necessary and urgent.

Export bans alone won’t stop surveillance — we need a new global approach
18 Nov 2019
Export bans alone won’t stop surveillance — we need a new global approach