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Apple taking pause after civil society calls to shelve on-device image hash scanning

3 Sep 2021

Apple’s plan to implement client-side scanning is not a viable or proportionate solution to Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) online. The plan circumvents end-to-end encryption and puts everyone’s privacy and security at risk by reducing individuals’ control over their own devices.

Press Release
Apple taking pause after civil society calls to shelve on-device image hash scanning
3 Sep 2021
Apple taking pause after civil society calls to shelve on-device image hash scanning

Access Now urges Apple to restore trust by rolling back plans to circumvent end-to-end encryption on its devices

10 Aug 2021

Apple’s plan to implement client-side scanning is not a viable or proportionate solution to Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) online. The plan circumvents end-to-end encryption and puts everyone’s privacy and security at risk by reducing individuals’ control over their own devices.

Press Release
Access Now urges Apple to restore trust by rolling back plans to circumvent end-to-end encryption on its devices
10 Aug 2021
Access Now urges Apple to restore trust by rolling back plans to circumvent end-to-end encryption on its devices

RightsCon checklist: 15 ways to save the internet and protect democracy

8 Jun 2021

Speaking at a panel discussion at RightsCon, Access Now’s Brett Solomon outlined 15 things governments can do to make sure technology is used to defend — not destroy— democracy and human rights. Read the checklist and watch the full session on YouTube.

RightsCon checklist: 15 ways to save the internet and protect democracy
8 Jun 2021
RightsCon checklist: 15 ways to save the internet and protect democracy
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From India to Rwanda, the victims of NSO Group’s WhatsApp hacking speak out

18 Dec 2020

Five human rights defenders who suffered from the NSO Group WhatsApp hack have stepped forward to tell their stories — sharing how their governments used NSO Group’s products to surveil them, and consequences they have faced as a result.

From India to Rwanda, the victims of NSO Group’s WhatsApp hacking speak out
18 Dec 2020
From India to Rwanda, the victims of NSO Group’s WhatsApp hacking speak out
India fake news

Can human rights survive the digital age? Only if we do these things

10 Dec 2020

“We’re at a human rights tipping point.” On Human Rights Day of 2020, Access Now’s Brett Solomon maps out a pathway to take us to a full implementation and vindication of these rights, not just in principle, but in policy and practice.

Can human rights survive the digital age? Only if we do these things
10 Dec 2020
Can human rights survive the digital age? Only if we do these things

Fighting systemic racism in the digital age: a global challenge

10 Dec 2020

On Human Rights Day of 2020, we highlight the mandate of E. Tendayi Achiume, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance to fight systematic racism.

Fighting systemic racism in the digital age: a global challenge
10 Dec 2020
Fighting systemic racism in the digital age: a global challenge
European Ombudsman surveillance

Christchurch Call Advisory Network to EU governments: uphold Call commitments in impending policy-making

2 Nov 2020

Members of the Christchurch Call Advisory Network call on the governments of the European Union, the European Commission, to uphold the commitments they made in the Call, as Europe moves to implement measures related to extremist and terrorist content.

Press Release
Christchurch Call Advisory Network to EU governments: uphold Call commitments in impending policy-making
2 Nov 2020
Christchurch Call Advisory Network to EU governments: uphold Call commitments in impending policy-making

عامين على مقتل خاشقجي، لم تخضع حتى الآن شركة برامج التجسس ولا الحكومة السعودية للمساءلة

20 Oct 2020
عامين على مقتل خاشقجي، لم تخضع حتى الآن شركة برامج التجسس ولا الحكومة السعودية للمساءلة
20 Oct 2020
عامين على مقتل خاشقجي، لم تخضع حتى الآن شركة برامج التجسس ولا الحكومة السعودية للمساءلة
RightsCon session videos|IGF

Access Now resigns from the Partnership on AI

13 Oct 2020
Press Release
Access Now resigns from the Partnership on AI
13 Oct 2020
Access Now resigns from the Partnership on AI

Two years after Khashoggi’s slaying, no accountability for spyware firm or Saudi government

1 Oct 2020

Friday marks two years since Jamal Khashoggi, a Washington Post columnist and a prominent critic of the Saudi government, was brutally murdered after being surveilled using NSO Group technology. The company has yet to be held to account.

Two years after Khashoggi’s slaying, no accountability for spyware firm or Saudi government
1 Oct 2020
Two years after Khashoggi’s slaying, no accountability for spyware firm or Saudi government