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Civil society groups urge governments to promote and protect encryption and anonymity

17 Jun 2015

Today at the 29th session of the UN’s Human Rights Council (HRC) in Geneva, Access joined a group of more than 25 civil society organizations in a joint statement that calls on all governments to promote the use of strong encryption technologies, and to protect the right to seek, receive, and impart information anonymously online.

Civil society groups urge governments to promote and protect encryption and anonymity
17 Jun 2015
Civil society groups urge governments to promote and protect encryption and anonymity

Delfi AS v. Estonia: a blow to free expression online

16 Jun 2015

The Delfi AS v. Estonia case, which has profound implications for freedom of expression online, today reached its conclusion with a ruling by the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights. Unfortunately, this long-awaited decision was not the right one. The Grand Chamber, the highest human rights court in Europe, ruled in favor of Estonia, embracing the idea that websites should be held liable for certain types of anonymous comments posted by users.

Delfi AS v. Estonia: a blow to free expression online
16 Jun 2015
Delfi AS v. Estonia: a blow to free expression online

Canada’s Parliament approves slimy spying bill, endangers privacy and free expression

11 Jun 2015

On Tuesday, the Canadian Senate voted in favor of the controversial Bill C-51 with a count of 44-28. The bill, which hundreds of thousands of Canadians have spoken out against, can criminalize political discussion even when it’s conducted in private. It centralizes data kept on citizens, empowers intelligence services to make arrests, and even allows intelligence to conduct disruptive operations such as altering a seized website or conducting a man-in-the-middle attack.

Canada’s Parliament approves slimy spying bill, endangers privacy and free expression
11 Jun 2015
Canada’s Parliament approves slimy spying bill, endangers privacy and free expression

On eve of Women’s World Cup, Canada poised to undermine encryption

5 Jun 2015

This month, 24 women’s national teams will travel to Canada to compete for the ultimate prize in soccer: the FIFA Women’s World Cup. Yet as the world celebrates, the government of Canada is poised to pass dangerous new surveillance legislation.

On eve of Women’s World Cup, Canada poised to undermine encryption
5 Jun 2015
On eve of Women’s World Cup, Canada poised to undermine encryption

USA FREEDOM Act becomes law

3 Jun 2015

In an important victory for privacy, President Barack Obama signed the USA FREEDOM Act into law.

USA FREEDOM Act becomes law
3 Jun 2015
USA FREEDOM Act becomes law

New report: RightsCon 2015 Outcomes

27 May 2015

This year’s RightsCon, held in Manila, was a sold-out event bringing together 660 attendees from 56 different countries to explore real-world strategies for keeping the internet open and free. It was an extraordinarily productive conference. To participate, the leader of each session was asked a simple question: How would your engagement create real-world change? The newly released RightsCon Southeast Asia Outcomes Report shows how the participants — representing civil society, the private sector, government, tech, and academia — answered that question.

New report: RightsCon 2015 Outcomes
27 May 2015
New report: RightsCon 2015 Outcomes

Despite opposition, France approves dangerous new surveillance law

5 May 2015

Today the French National Assembly approved a dangerous new proposal which would allow intelligence services to violate user privacy and harm freedom of expression. The so-called “French Patriot Act” was first introduced shortly after the killings at the newspaper Charlie Hebdo in January of this year. Sadly, the government used the killings as a pretext to push forward legislation that will give the intelligence services the ability to monitor communications with almost no judicial oversight.

Despite opposition, France approves dangerous new surveillance law
5 May 2015
Despite opposition, France approves dangerous new surveillance law

Access urges UN and African Union experts to take action on Burundi internet shutdown

29 Apr 2015

Today, Access submitted a letter to UN and African Union experts requesting their urgent intervention on the internet shutdown in Burundi, where social media services have been cut off in the face of public unrest. The letter underscores the importance of the internet to realizing human rights, and explains how shutdowns often enable egregious human rights violations.

Access urges UN and African Union experts to take action on Burundi internet shutdown
29 Apr 2015
Access urges UN and African Union experts to take action on Burundi internet shutdown

Tell Obama: Say no to cyber surveillance

16 Apr 2015

Over the past few weeks, the U.S. Congress has been churning out privacy-threatening cyber surveillance proposals like popcorn at a movie theater. Today, a coalition of digital rights groups is launching a campaign to stop these bills from getting any farther in the legislative process.

Tell Obama: Say no to cyber surveillance
16 Apr 2015
Tell Obama: Say no to cyber surveillance

U.S. FCC Confirms It Is Reviewing Verizon’s Use of Supercookies

10 Apr 2015

Yesterday, the U.S. Federal Communications Commission confirmed that it is reviewing Verizon Wireless’ abusive use of supercookies. This is a great step forward for mobile privacy in the U.S. and a validation of our campaign against mobile tracking.

U.S. FCC Confirms It Is Reviewing Verizon’s Use of Supercookies
10 Apr 2015
U.S. FCC Confirms It Is Reviewing Verizon’s Use of Supercookies