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Freedom Not Fear International Action Days in Brussels this weekend

26 Sep 2013

It’s back! After two successful years, the third installation of the “Freedom Not Fear International Action Days” are happening this weekend, the 27th – 30th September, in Brussels, Belgium. FNF will bring together privacy activists and data protection experts from around Europe and the world, to participate in talks, political organizing, and networking in the capital of European policy.

Freedom Not Fear International Action Days in Brussels this weekend
26 Sep 2013
Freedom Not Fear International Action Days in Brussels this weekend

Obama announces support for U.S. spy reforms, offers inadequate assurances

9 Aug 2013

Expressing concern about public confidence in the U.S. National Security Agency, President Obama announced today four proposals to reform U.S. surveillance practice. However, even if enacted, these proposals would still fail to actually protect the basic civil liberties of U.S. and non-U.S. persons.

Obama announces support for U.S. spy reforms, offers inadequate assurances
9 Aug 2013
Obama announces support for U.S. spy reforms, offers inadequate assurances

Over 100 global civil society groups release human rights principles to govern surveillance

31 Jul 2013

Recent revelations of sweeping government surveillance demonstrate the urgent need to update outdated privacy laws to reflect modern surveillance technologies in a way that is consistent with international human rights. To move toward that goal, Access is excited to announce the release of the International Principles on the Application of Human Rights to Communications Surveillance.

Over 100 global civil society groups release human rights principles to govern surveillance
31 Jul 2013
Over 100 global civil society groups release human rights principles to govern surveillance

Access supports proposed U.S. amendment limiting NSA metadata collection

23 Jul 2013

In less than 24 hours the U.S. Congress will vote on an amendment that could help put an end to the National Security Agency’s bulk collection of telecommunications metadata, offering the first legislative opportunity to begin to rein in U.S. government’s massive spying program.

Access supports proposed U.S. amendment limiting NSA metadata collection
23 Jul 2013
Access supports proposed U.S. amendment limiting NSA metadata collection

Access joins coalition for EU Naked Citizens campaign

25 Apr 2013

Today a coalition of civil rights groups warned that citizens could be stripped of their right to privacy by dangerous EU Parliament proposals. The coalition — including Access, EDRi, Privacy International, Bits of Freedom, Panoptykon, La Quadrature du Net, Open Rights Group and Digitale Gesellschaft — released a report detailing the most dangerous amendments to the Data Protection Regulation and a website, where citizens can take direct action to contact Members of the European Parliament to demand that they protect their fundamental rights.

Press Release
Access joins coalition for EU Naked Citizens campaign
25 Apr 2013
Access joins coalition for EU Naked Citizens campaign

Free Cookies: Strings attached to browsing raise costs for users

11 Mar 2013

The recent introduction of Do-Not-Track legislation is again bringing the issue of online privacy back to the forefront in the United States. Given its mixed history, lack of widespread agreement on how to treat Do-Not-Track requests, and what sort of behavior constitutes tracking, the effectiveness of existing Do-Not-Track systems are far from adequate.

Free Cookies: Strings attached to browsing raise costs for users
11 Mar 2013
Free Cookies: Strings attached to browsing raise costs for users

Obama cybersecurity executive order good in short term, but sets worrying precedent

14 Feb 2013

The order sets out provisions for sharing critical threat information from government to the private sector, but potentially establishes a foundation for later bidirectional sharing of sensitive information. Its vague categorization of what constitutes critical infrastructure limits transparency on threat reduction, and may hinder confidence building measures intended to mitigate cyber conflict. It offers some civil liberties protections, but doesn’t go far enough.

Obama cybersecurity executive order good in short term, but sets worrying precedent
14 Feb 2013
Obama cybersecurity executive order good in short term, but sets worrying precedent

Access releases post-WCIT briefing document

5 Feb 2013

Access has released a briefing document that provides analysis of the outcomes of the World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT), an overview of its geopolitical context, and a preview of upcoming internet governance debates at the United Nations.

Access releases post-WCIT briefing document
5 Feb 2013
Access releases post-WCIT briefing document

Access joins open letter calling on Skype to clarify user security, release transparency report

25 Jan 2013

Access has joined more than forty organizations and 61 individuals in sending an open letter to Skype, asking the company to clarify its policies for protecting users’ security and to release a comprehensive transparency report detailing government requests for user data.

Access joins open letter calling on Skype to clarify user security, release transparency report
25 Jan 2013
Access joins open letter calling on Skype to clarify user security, release transparency report