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Access Now Policy Team

Access urges immediate action to end bulk collection

17 Jun 2014

Access calls on the Executive Branch to seize the opportunity to end the NSA’s bulk telephony collection program this week.

Access urges immediate action to end bulk collection
17 Jun 2014
Access urges immediate action to end bulk collection

One year after Snowden revelations: What has been done for privacy around the World?

13 Jun 2014

Earlier this week, Simon Davies, the “Privacy Surgeon,” published a global analysis of the impact of the Edward Snowden revelations over the past year. The report, entitled A Crisis of Accountability, demonstrates that, despite many strong and sweeping declarations, the overwhelming majority of the world’s governments have failed to take meaningful action in the wake of the Snowden revelations.

One year after Snowden revelations: What has been done for privacy around the World?
13 Jun 2014
One year after Snowden revelations: What has been done for privacy around the World?

Telecom giant Vodafone releases groundbreaking transparency report

6 Jun 2014

Vodafone, the world’s largest international mobile provider, released its “Law Enforcement Disclosure Report” today, which gives statistics on user data requests in 14 countries including Albania, Tanzania, Hungary, and other jurisdictions that have never before released this type of information.

Telecom giant Vodafone releases groundbreaking transparency report
6 Jun 2014
Telecom giant Vodafone releases groundbreaking transparency report

A message from Edward Snowden

5 Jun 2014

“One year ago, we learned that the internet is under surveillance, and our activities are being monitored to create permanent records of our private lives — no matter how innocent or ordinary those lives might be…”

A message from Edward Snowden
5 Jun 2014
A message from Edward Snowden

Access welcomes MTN Human Rights Policy

20 May 2014

The South Africa-based telco MTN, which operates in 21 countries across the Middle East and Africa, recently released its first Group Human Rights Policy. MTN announced its support for user rights to privacy, security, communication and information, using the Access “Telco Action Plan” as a guiding policy document.

Access welcomes MTN Human Rights Policy
20 May 2014
Access welcomes MTN Human Rights Policy

Access welcomes the first transparency report from Deutsche Telekom

9 May 2014

Deutsche Telekom discloses its 2013 requests from German law enforcement.

Access welcomes the first transparency report from Deutsche Telekom
9 May 2014
Access welcomes the first transparency report from Deutsche Telekom

The FCC is dealing the internet away, opening the door to network discrimination

24 Apr 2014
The FCC is dealing the internet away, opening the door to network discrimination
24 Apr 2014
The FCC is dealing the internet away, opening the door to network discrimination

A bill of internet rights for Brazil

26 Mar 2014

Last night, Brazil´s Congress approved the “Marco Civil,” a landmark piece of legislation comprehensively protecting human rights online.

A bill of internet rights for Brazil
26 Mar 2014
A bill of internet rights for Brazil

Encrypt All the Things

5 Mar 2014

Today, Access launched the Encrypt All the Things campaign to encourage widespread use of data security practices. The centerpiece of the campaign is the Data Security Action Plan of 2014 – 7 security-enhancing steps that companies can take in order to provide a minimum amount of protection to personal data.

Encrypt All the Things
5 Mar 2014
Encrypt All the Things

U.S.State Department announces six principles to guide signals intelligence

4 Mar 2014

Rule of law, legitimate purpose, non-arbitrariness, competent authority, oversight, transparency, and democratic accountability become US policy

U.S.State Department announces six principles to guide signals intelligence
4 Mar 2014
U.S.State Department announces six principles to guide signals intelligence