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Access Now Policy Team

What to Watch at the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference 2014

23 Oct 2014

Access has written up an overview of the top procedural and substantive concerns to look out for at ITU Plenipotentiary as well as recommendations for relevant and productive areas for the ITU to focus its work on in the coming four years.

What to Watch at the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference 2014
23 Oct 2014
What to Watch at the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference 2014

Tech’s surveillance hopes stopped in their tracks

24 Sep 2014
Tech’s surveillance hopes stopped in their tracks
24 Sep 2014
Tech’s surveillance hopes stopped in their tracks

Joint Submission to the UN UPR Working Group

16 Sep 2014

Access, in coordination with partners, has submitted a comment in advance of the Human Rights Council 2015 Universal Periodic Review of the United States of America, which calls for reform of current surveillance laws, including the establishment of remedial mechanisms.

Joint Submission to the UN UPR Working Group
16 Sep 2014
Joint Submission to the UN UPR Working Group

Access launches

4 Sep 2014

Access launched, a website that makes it easy to explore the text and geographical scope of Mutual Legal Assistance Treaties (MLATs).

Access launches
4 Sep 2014
Access launches

African Union adopts framework on cyber security and data protection

22 Aug 2014

Without much media attention, the heads of state of the African Union (AU) agreed to a landmark convention this summer affecting many aspects of digital life.

African Union adopts framework on cyber security and data protection
22 Aug 2014
African Union adopts framework on cyber security and data protection

Access tells the FCC to use its authority to reclassify broadband and protect net neutrality

18 Jul 2014

This week Access submitted comments to the FCC urging it to use its full authority to reclassify broadband internet access service as a telecommunications service under Title II of the Telecommunications Act — the only viable way the agency can safeguard the values that enabled the internet to become a global force for commerce, culture, free expression, and innovation.

Access tells the FCC to use its authority to reclassify broadband and protect net neutrality
18 Jul 2014
Access tells the FCC to use its authority to reclassify broadband and protect net neutrality

World’s top human rights authority slams global surveillance practices in new report

17 Jul 2014

In a scathing new report, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights warns that mass surveillance is “emerging as a dangerous habit rather than an exceptional measure” and that “the very existence of a mass surveillance programme…creates an interference with privacy.” The commissioner also slams judicial review processes, writing that in many countries they “amounted…to an exercise in rubber-stamping.”

World’s top human rights authority slams global surveillance practices in new report
17 Jul 2014
World’s top human rights authority slams global surveillance practices in new report

PCLOB report fails to consider the rights of non-U.S. persons or promote legislative reform

2 Jul 2014

PCLOB Section 702 surveillance report fails to consider the rights of those most affected by Section 702 mass surveillance programs, or address the pressing need for legislative reform.

PCLOB report fails to consider the rights of non-U.S. persons or promote legislative reform
2 Jul 2014
PCLOB report fails to consider the rights of non-U.S. persons or promote legislative reform

Access voices concern about resolution on business and human rights treaty

26 Jun 2014

On June 25, the United Nations Human Rights Council passed a resolution to develop a treaty holding transnational companies legally responsible for human rights abuses.

Access voices concern about resolution on business and human rights treaty
26 Jun 2014
Access voices concern about resolution on business and human rights treaty

Statement on WSIS+10 HLE

20 Jun 2014

On the 13th of June in Geneva, the WSIS + 10 High Level Event (WSIS + 10 HLE) concluded, culminating in the endorsement of two outcome documents, the WSIS+10 Statement on the Implementation of WSIS Outcomes, and the WSIS+10 Vision for WSIS Beyond 2015.
At the conclusion of the HLE, Access joined APC, CDT, CTS/FGV, Global Partners Digital, IFLA, the Internet Democracy Project, IDEA, and KICTAnet in making the following statement.

Statement on WSIS+10 HLE
20 Jun 2014
Statement on WSIS+10 HLE