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Access Now Policy Team


Access puts surveillance on agenda for Human Rights Council elections

17 Jul 2015

On Wednesday, July 15, Access took the floor at a UN event to discuss candidates for the Human Rights Council. In response, six out of eight participating candidate countries echoed the importance of prioritizing the right to privacy at the Council.

Access puts surveillance on agenda for Human Rights Council elections
17 Jul 2015
Access puts surveillance on agenda for Human Rights Council elections

Worrying setback in European Court Delfi decision for online free expression and innovation

16 Jun 2015

Access denounces the ruling of the European Court of Human Rights against the news website

Press Release
Worrying setback in European Court Delfi decision for online free expression and innovation
16 Jun 2015
Worrying setback in European Court Delfi decision for online free expression and innovation

UN creates new Special Rapporteur on the Right to Privacy

27 Mar 2015

Responding to civil society voices, and the leadership of Brazil and Germany, the Human Rights Council has moved decisively forward in the battle for privacy online.

UN creates new Special Rapporteur on the Right to Privacy
27 Mar 2015
UN creates new Special Rapporteur on the Right to Privacy

U.S. Eases Sanctions on Export of Tech to Cuba

17 Jan 2015

Today, the Department of Treasury and Department of Commerce officially released the anticipated changes to the Cuban Assets Control Regulations (CACR) and Export Administration Regulations (EAR).

Press Release
U.S. Eases Sanctions on Export of Tech to Cuba
17 Jan 2015
U.S. Eases Sanctions on Export of Tech to Cuba

Legal battle in Kenya set to determine country’s surveillance future

7 Jan 2015

The High Court of Kenya has temporarily suspended the implementation of eight clauses of the Security Laws (Amendment) Act of 2014, which restricts the exercise of human rights in Kenya. Access applauds the High Court’s decision in suspending these parts of the law law and urges the Court to thoroughly consider the entire law’s human rights impact in its ultimate assessment.

Legal battle in Kenya set to determine country’s surveillance future
7 Jan 2015
Legal battle in Kenya set to determine country’s surveillance future

ITU Plenipotentiary 2014: Impressions and analysis of outcomes

11 Dec 2014

After weeks of heated discussions, the International Telecommunication Union Plenipotentiary Conference closed on November 7th, ending on a significantly lighter note than the controversial 2012 World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT). Internet governance expert Avri Doria attended the conference in Busan, South Korea, better known as “the Plenipot,” on behalf of Access. Here are her impressions of the outcomes of the conference.

ITU Plenipotentiary 2014: Impressions and analysis of outcomes
11 Dec 2014
ITU Plenipotentiary 2014: Impressions and analysis of outcomes

USA FREEDOM Act Fails to Move Forward in the Senate

19 Nov 2014

Yesterday, the USA FREEDOM Act — the bill that would have halted the NSA’s bulk collection of telephony metadata under section 215 of the PATRIOT Act — failed to move forward in the United States Senate.

Press Release
USA FREEDOM Act Fails to Move Forward in the Senate
19 Nov 2014
USA FREEDOM Act Fails to Move Forward in the Senate

Time for the Senate to pass the USA FREEDOM Act

17 Nov 2014

This week the Senate is expected to vote on the USA FREEDOM Act, a bill that would end one of the worst abuses of the NSA’s surveillance authority. Access urges the Senate to protect privacy and pass the bill.

Press Release
Time for the Senate to pass the USA FREEDOM Act
17 Nov 2014
Time for the Senate to pass the USA FREEDOM Act

Access Now calls for a rejection of proposed U.S. botnet investigation rule

5 Nov 2014

Access Senior Policy Counsel Amie Stepanovich testifies on behalf of Access/EFF urging the rejection of a proposed rule which would substantively expand the instances in which a government could search or seize control of an individual’s computer in the search for Botnets.

Access Now calls for a rejection of proposed U.S. botnet investigation rule
5 Nov 2014
Access Now calls for a rejection of proposed U.S. botnet investigation rule

ITU Plenipotentiary: Halftime Updates

4 Nov 2014

International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Plenipotentiary conference is held once every four years, and we expected this year’s conference in Busan, Korea to be full of controversy. The Conference is now about halfway over and our expectations came true. Here’s a quick halftime report on the major happenings and topics of conversation.

ITU Plenipotentiary: Halftime Updates
4 Nov 2014
ITU Plenipotentiary: Halftime Updates