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Access Now Policy Team

|Image: surveillance cameras on the street.

RightsCon spotlight: “The Privatised Panopticon: Workers’ Surveillance in the Digital Age”

4 Jun 2021

In a session with European Digital Rights at RightsCon, we will explore how surveillance technology can make your workplace function like a prison: a privatised panopticon that threatens labour movements and undermines human rights.

RightsCon spotlight: “The Privatised Panopticon: Workers’ Surveillance in the Digital Age”
4 Jun 2021
RightsCon spotlight: “The Privatised Panopticon: Workers’ Surveillance in the Digital Age”
India’s Digital Personal Data Protection Bill passed: “it’s a bad law”

Ensuring Pakistan passes a privacy-protecting, user-centric data protection bill

19 May 2020

Access Now’s analysis of a draft data protection bill in Pakistan explains how it can be improved to better achieve its stated purpose.

Ensuring Pakistan passes a privacy-protecting, user-centric data protection bill
19 May 2020
Ensuring Pakistan passes a privacy-protecting, user-centric data protection bill

Hard(ware) questions about government hacking: what if the Bloomberg story is true?

11 Oct 2018

The Bloomberg reports underscore a frightening reality: we’re not prepared for this kind of hardware attack. Governments and companies must work together to prevent them.

Hard(ware) questions about government hacking: what if the Bloomberg story is true?
11 Oct 2018
Hard(ware) questions about government hacking: what if the Bloomberg story is true?

The Toronto Declaration: Protecting the rights to equality and non-discrimination in machine learning systems

16 May 2018

Open declaration by Amnesty International and Access Now, endorsed by Human Rights Watch and Wikimedia Foundation at RightsCon Toronto 2018

Press Release
The Toronto Declaration: Protecting the rights to equality and non-discrimination in machine learning systems
16 May 2018
The Toronto Declaration: Protecting the rights to equality and non-discrimination in machine learning systems
India’s Digital Personal Data Protection Bill passed: “it’s a bad law”

كامبريدج أناليتيكا: طريقة غير مشروعة للحصول على معطيات شخصية لـ 87 مليون شخص! تعرف على آخر المستجدات

10 Apr 2018
كامبريدج أناليتيكا: طريقة غير مشروعة للحصول على معطيات شخصية لـ 87 مليون شخص! تعرف على آخر المستجدات
10 Apr 2018
كامبريدج أناليتيكا: طريقة غير مشروعة للحصول على معطيات شخصية لـ 87 مليون شخص! تعرف على آخر المستجدات
India’s Digital Personal Data Protection Bill passed: “it’s a bad law”

It’s not a bug, it’s a feature: How Cambridge Analytica demonstrates the desperate need for data protection

21 Mar 2018

It’s critically important to see the big picture of the scandal and work toward an online ecosystem that does not depend on harvesting users’ data instead of protecting it.

It’s not a bug, it’s a feature: How Cambridge Analytica demonstrates the desperate need for data protection
21 Mar 2018
It’s not a bug, it’s a feature: How Cambridge Analytica demonstrates the desperate need for data protection

A closer look at China’s Cybersecurity Law — cybersecurity, or something else?

13 Dec 2017

The law not only undermines human rights, it is likely to make China’s internet less secure.

A closer look at China’s Cybersecurity Law — cybersecurity, or something else?
13 Dec 2017
A closer look at China’s Cybersecurity Law — cybersecurity, or something else?

Understanding China’s Cybersecurity Law: flawed by design

5 Dec 2017

The law has been compared to Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation, but it fails to safeguard the human rights of the people it’s supposed to protect.

Understanding China’s Cybersecurity Law: flawed by design
5 Dec 2017
Understanding China’s Cybersecurity Law: flawed by design

At GCCS 2017, shallow conversation and lack of inclusion limit success

5 Dec 2017

The conference was a missed opportunity for engagement on critical issues that impact cybersecurity and human rights — but we’re not giving up.

At GCCS 2017, shallow conversation and lack of inclusion limit success
5 Dec 2017
At GCCS 2017, shallow conversation and lack of inclusion limit success

A policy maker’s guide to the Global Conference on Cyberspace 2017

16 Nov 2017

Our new policy guide aims to help participants at GCCS 2017 fulfill its promise to strengthen global cybersecurity while protecting human rights.

A policy maker’s guide to the Global Conference on Cyberspace 2017
16 Nov 2017
A policy maker’s guide to the Global Conference on Cyberspace 2017