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Access Now Helpline Team

Access Now’s Digital Security Helpline works with individuals and organizations around the world to keep them safe online. If you’re at risk, we can help you improve your digital security practices to keep out of harm’s way. If you’re already under attack, we provide rapid-response emergency assistance. Learn more here.
|Vietnam: Immediately release Pham Doan Trang

Recursos para nicaragüenses: protege la seguridad digital de tu comunidad y escapa a la censura

27 Apr 2018

La Línea de Ayuda en Seguridad Digital de Access Now se solidariza con las y los nicaragüenses en este período de protestas y denuncias de censura y represión gubernamental.

Recursos para nicaragüenses: protege la seguridad digital de tu comunidad y escapa a la censura
27 Apr 2018
Recursos para nicaragüenses: protege la seguridad digital de tu comunidad y escapa a la censura

Cyber attacks increasing against civil society in Azerbaijan ahead of election

9 Feb 2018

Access Now’s Digital Security Helpline has observed a spike in the number of attacks on civil society in Azerbaijan. If you need help with your digital security, reach out now.

Cyber attacks increasing against civil society in Azerbaijan ahead of election
9 Feb 2018
Cyber attacks increasing against civil society in Azerbaijan ahead of election

ALERTE DE SÉCURITÉ: Nouvelle attaque sur Facebook – attention aux messages qui disent que vous êtes un “ami de confiance”

13 Nov 2017
ALERTE DE SÉCURITÉ: Nouvelle attaque sur Facebook – attention aux messages qui disent que vous êtes un “ami de confiance”
13 Nov 2017
ALERTE DE SÉCURITÉ: Nouvelle attaque sur Facebook – attention aux messages qui disent que vous êtes un “ami de confiance”

PUBLIC SECURITY ALERT: New Facebook attack – watch out for phishy messages that say you’re a “Trusted Contact”

11 Oct 2017

A new Facebook “spear phishing” attack relies on your lack of knowledge about “Trusted Contacts.” Here’s what you should know.

PUBLIC SECURITY ALERT: New Facebook attack – watch out for phishy messages that say you’re a “Trusted Contact”
11 Oct 2017
PUBLIC SECURITY ALERT: New Facebook attack – watch out for phishy messages that say you’re a “Trusted Contact”

El ataque “Doubleswitch” en redes sociales: una amenaza para activistas y periodistas en Venezuela y el resto del mundo

9 Jun 2017

En Venezuela, Bahréin, Myanmar y otras partes del mundo, activistas afectados por esta nueva forma de secuestro de cuentas — la cual llamamos “Doubleswitch”.

El ataque “Doubleswitch” en redes sociales: una amenaza para activistas y periodistas en Venezuela y el resto del mundo
9 Jun 2017
El ataque “Doubleswitch” en redes sociales: una amenaza para activistas y periodistas en Venezuela y el resto del mundo

The “Doubleswitch” social media attack: a threat to advocates in Venezuela and worldwide

9 Jun 2017

Our Helpline discovered a new hijacking attack on social media that places users at risk worldwide — especially journalists and human rights defenders.

The “Doubleswitch” social media attack: a threat to advocates in Venezuela and worldwide
9 Jun 2017
The “Doubleswitch” social media attack: a threat to advocates in Venezuela and worldwide

Best practices for digital security at RightsCon

15 Mar 2017

Tips for keeping secure at RightsCon, from our Digital Security Helpline.

Best practices for digital security at RightsCon
15 Mar 2017
Best practices for digital security at RightsCon

Les moyens de contourner la coupure de l’Internet en République Democratique du Congo (RDC)

19 Dec 2016

Les moyens de contourner la coupure de l’Internet en République Democratique du Congo (RDC).

Les moyens de contourner la coupure de l’Internet en République Democratique du Congo (RDC)
19 Dec 2016
Les moyens de contourner la coupure de l’Internet en République Democratique du Congo (RDC)

Ways to circumvent the internet shutdown in the Democratic Republic of Congo

19 Dec 2016

Tips from our Digital Security Helpline to help people get online.

Ways to circumvent the internet shutdown in the Democratic Republic of Congo
19 Dec 2016
Ways to circumvent the internet shutdown in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Don’t panic! Download “A First Look at Digital Security”

17 Nov 2016

It’s a time of transition. Our user-friendly booklet can help you stay calm and focused.

Don’t panic! Download “A First Look at Digital Security”
17 Nov 2016
Don’t panic! Download “A First Look at Digital Security”