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Despite compromising hearing, Cecilia Malmström gets green light to become EU Trade commissioner

2 Oct 2014

The E.U.’s current Commissioner for Home Affairs, Cecilia Malmström, was confirmed this morning as Commissioner for Trade during a vote in the International Trade (INTA) Committee of the European Parliament. This vote follows a hearing that took place on Monday September 29th during which Members of the European Parliament (MEP) questioned the Commissioner-designate for three hours.

Despite compromising hearing, Cecilia Malmström gets green light to become EU Trade commissioner
2 Oct 2014
Despite compromising hearing, Cecilia Malmström gets green light to become EU Trade commissioner

Newly Released Emails Raise Questions Of Whether EU Politicians Sold Out To US On Privacy

1 Oct 2014
Newly Released Emails Raise Questions Of Whether EU Politicians Sold Out To US On Privacy
1 Oct 2014
Newly Released Emails Raise Questions Of Whether EU Politicians Sold Out To US On Privacy

NGOs and industry join forces in an open letter sent to the Council of Ministers on Net Neutrality

1 Oct 2014

Today, Access together with several NGOs, consumer groups, and industry representatives sent an open letter to the Council of the European Union, calling for Telecoms ministers to support strong net neutrality rules in the E.U.. The Council is currently reviewing the proposal of the Telecoms Single Market Regulation, voted on by the European Parliament in April.

NGOs and industry join forces in an open letter sent to the Council of Ministers on Net Neutrality
1 Oct 2014
NGOs and industry join forces in an open letter sent to the Council of Ministers on Net Neutrality

Les manigances des opérateurs de télécommunications tunisiens pour prendre internet en otage

1 Oct 2014

Selon des rumeurs circulant depuis peu, les trois opérateurs de télécommunications tunisiens, Tunisie Telecom, Orange, et Ooredoo, pourraient conclure un accord limitant l’accès de leurs clients aux services de voix sur IP (également appelé VoIP). Si cette information se vérifie, ledit accord aurait un impact considérable sur la liberté d’expression des utilisateurs en ligne.

Les manigances des opérateurs de télécommunications tunisiens pour prendre internet en otage
1 Oct 2014
Les manigances des opérateurs de télécommunications tunisiens pour prendre internet en otage

Tunisian Telcos’ plan to take the internet hostage

1 Oct 2014

There are rumors circulating that Tunisia’s three telecommunications operators, Tunisie Telecom, Orange, and Ooredoo, might enter into an agreement limiting customers’ access to voice over IP (VoIP) services. If implemented, this agreement would dramatically impact users’ freedom of expression online.

Tunisian Telcos’ plan to take the internet hostage
1 Oct 2014
Tunisian Telcos’ plan to take the internet hostage

Hacked celebrities were “stupid”, says incoming EU digital economy and society chief

30 Sep 2014
Hacked celebrities were “stupid”, says incoming EU digital economy and society chief
30 Sep 2014
Hacked celebrities were “stupid”, says incoming EU digital economy and society chief

Malmstrom rejects accusations of working with US to weaken data laws

29 Sep 2014
Malmstrom rejects accusations of working with US to weaken data laws
29 Sep 2014
Malmstrom rejects accusations of working with US to weaken data laws

Designierte EU-Handelskommissarin Malmström legt sich nicht fest

29 Sep 2014
Designierte EU-Handelskommissarin Malmström legt sich nicht fest
29 Sep 2014
Designierte EU-Handelskommissarin Malmström legt sich nicht fest

US admits to privacy friendly EU Commissioner

29 Sep 2014
US admits to privacy friendly EU Commissioner
29 Sep 2014
US admits to privacy friendly EU Commissioner

Neue EU-Kommission: Junckers Handelschefin im Kreuzfeuer

29 Sep 2014
Neue EU-Kommission: Junckers Handelschefin im Kreuzfeuer
29 Sep 2014
Neue EU-Kommission: Junckers Handelschefin im Kreuzfeuer