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Access Now Brussels Office


Access Now position paper on the review of the e-Privacy Directive

28 Jul 2016
Access Now position paper on the review of the e-Privacy Directive
28 Jul 2016
Access Now position paper on the review of the e-Privacy Directive

Access Now delivers several thousand signatures to French Senate opposing surveillance bill

22 Oct 2015

Today, we delivered a petition to the French Senate opposing yet another surveillance bill, which is up for a vote on Tuesday 27 October. Thousands of internet users urged the senate to reject the bill, citing violations of the fundamental right to privacy and freedom of expression. The bill has already passed the lower chamber of the French Parliament earlier this month.

Access Now delivers several thousand signatures to French Senate opposing surveillance bill
22 Oct 2015
Access Now delivers several thousand signatures to French Senate opposing surveillance bill

Access Now holds apéro on the Future of the Internet

8 Sep 2015

On Tuesday 22 September, Access will hold an apéro on the Future of the Internet where our Brussels team and civil society representatives will meet with Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) and their staff.

Access Now holds apéro on the Future of the Internet
8 Sep 2015
Access Now holds apéro on the Future of the Internet

As Privacy Regulation moves to trialogue, Access Now warns of dangerous loopholes in Council text

15 Jun 2015

Access welcomes the much-anticipated decision of European Ministers in charge of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to conclude their position on this crucial reform and allow for the start of trialogue.

Press Release
As Privacy Regulation moves to trialogue, Access Now warns of dangerous loopholes in Council text
15 Jun 2015
As Privacy Regulation moves to trialogue, Access Now warns of dangerous loopholes in Council text

Second anniversary of the Snowden revelations: Does Europe have something to celebrate?

5 Jun 2015

Two years ago today, newspapers began reporting on what are now known as the “Snowden revelations”. These documents revealed how the US National Security Agency (NSA), in concert with intelligence agencies such as the UK Government Communication Headquarters (GCHQ), has been indiscriminately collecting the personal data of people all over the world. The disclosures that followed those initial reports exposed NSA spying programs such as PRISM, stirring outrage worldwide about the scope of human rights violations that these programs represent.

Second anniversary of the Snowden revelations: Does Europe have something to celebrate?
5 Jun 2015
Second anniversary of the Snowden revelations: Does Europe have something to celebrate?

EU member states pressure European Parliament to sell out on Net Neutrality

28 May 2015

For the last two months, the EU Commission, the EU Parliament, and representatives of the EU member states (Council) have gathered almost every week to try to strike a deal on the Telecoms Single Market (TSM).

Press Release
EU member states pressure European Parliament to sell out on Net Neutrality
28 May 2015
EU member states pressure European Parliament to sell out on Net Neutrality

Malmström’s “new” ISDS: Same same but different

26 May 2015

Cecilia Malmström, EU Commissioner for Trade, presented on May 6th a handful of cosmetic proposals to the Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) mechanism. ISDS has been a central point of the ongoing discussions about the controversial Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) agreement, currently being negotiated between the U.S. and the EU. Malmström’s “new” ISDS reminds us of a Thai turn of phrase, “same same but different.”

Malmström’s “new” ISDS: Same same but different
26 May 2015
Malmström’s “new” ISDS: Same same but different

EU unveils its digital strategy for the next five years: a crippled unicorn

21 May 2015

On May 6, the European Union’s Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society, Günther Oettinger, and the Vice President for the Digital Single Market, Andrus Ansip, presented the EU Commission’s strategic plan to establish the Digital Single Market, or DSM.

EU unveils its digital strategy for the next five years: a crippled unicorn
21 May 2015
EU unveils its digital strategy for the next five years: a crippled unicorn

Internet freedom: Access Now submits input to the Council of Europe

28 Apr 2015

Access advises the Council of Europe to develop guidance for regulations that protects users’ freedom of expression and freedom from surveillance

Internet freedom: Access Now submits input to the Council of Europe
28 Apr 2015
Internet freedom: Access Now submits input to the Council of Europe

Protecting human rights in third countries: Access Now submits input to European Parliament

10 Apr 2015

Access has submitted input to the European Parliament (EP) Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET) on a draft report on human rights and technology. This report focuses on “the impact of intrusion and surveillance systems on human rights in third countries.”

Protecting human rights in third countries: Access Now submits input to European Parliament
10 Apr 2015
Protecting human rights in third countries: Access Now submits input to European Parliament