On 15 May 2018, prior to RightsCon Toronto, Access Now and Amnesty International will bring together a group of experts from the AI industry, academia, and civil society at a one-day event in Toronto.
Event: Towards universal principles for promoting equality and protecting the right to non-discrimination in machine learning: The Toronto Declaration
Date: 15 May 2018
Time: 10h – 17h
Machine learning has dramatic potential to improve lives, but as its use spreads across industries, products and services, risks associated with the technology increase. The risk of unintended discrimination can arise in areas critical to the enjoyment of human rights, such as finance, health, policing and criminal justice, and employment. Many in the AI industry and the scientific community are acutely aware of these risks and are working to develop standards and principles to ensure fairness and accountability in machine learning.
Human rights are internationally recognised and enshrined in binding legal frameworks that protect people from discrimination. Over the last 70 years, United Nations bodies and regional and domestic courts have developed and elaborated on the application of the principle of non-discrimination to numerous contexts. As such, the international human rights framework can and should be the foundation for standards and principles of non-discrimination in machine learning.
The objective of this one-day event is to finalise and adopt a declaration on equality and non-discrimination in machine learning which will have been drafted and prepared by a group of experts during the Spring of 2018.
This Toronto Declaration will then be presented at RightsCon Toronto 2018 and it will be a first step towards developing detailed principles for the promotion of equality and protection of the right to non-discrimination in AI.
Interested in collaborating on the Declaration? Please feel free to email your name, organization (if appropriate), and interest in the topic to estelle@accessnow.org and a