
Access Now: Chairman Pai’s plan is a U-turn for the internet

Washington, D.C. — U.S. Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai today announced plans to undo the 2015 Open Internet Order — Net Neutrality rules that prevent Internet Service Providers (ISPs) from favoring particular online content, services, or applications. Access Now opposes weakening the Open Internet Order, which would harm internet users, damage innovation, and put the U.S. out of step with trading partners like Canada and the European Union.

“The internet belongs to all of us. I don’t know why Chairman Pai wants to mess up an internet that works, but people in the United States and around the world aren’t going to sit back and let Chairman Pai or any telecommunications company tell us what we can say, do, and see on the internet. Start-ups should have the same ability to succeed on the internet as big corporations. We need the strong Net Neutrality rules that millions of people asked for, and we’re ready to fight for them,” said Nathan White, Senior Legislative Manager at Access Now.

Around the world internet users have demanded rules to prevent internet service providers from creating fast and slow lanes on the internet so they can profit from companies that can pay for priority access. From Canada to Argentina, the European Union, Mexico, and Japan, regulators have responded and set up rules to protect Net Neutrality. Chairman Pai’s proposal would be a backward step for innovation in the United States and undermine U.S. internet users’ ability to access and share the content they choose.

Access Now maintains https://www.thisisnetneutrality.org/, which monitors Net Neutrality rules and guidelines around the world.

“The United States has traditionally led the way in protecting a free and open internet. Today’s announcement by Chairman Pai represents a U-turn for the internet,” continued Nathan White.