In Tunisia, 45 organizations speak out against Instagram hate campaign targeting the LGBTQ community


Recently in Tunisia, social media platforms have witnessed a prevalent spread of hate speech and incitement to violence against the LGBTQ community following inflammatory statements by a Tunisian Instagram “influencer” called “Lady Samara,” who used her influence with her followers to spread hate speech, insult, and mockery of the LGBTQ community. She played with words so that the incitement was not direct, as she used phrases such as “I do not respect them,” “they lost all their principles,” and “a phenomenon that must be addressed.” In addition to mentioning the names of LGBTQ activists and bombarding them with slurs, which threatened their security and prompted many of her followers to send threatening and insulting messages to these activists, who are now suffering from the consequences of her speech. She has involved other “influencers” in her attack campaign against the LGBTQ community, such as the so-called “lapa” who is known for his hatred and violent rhetoric towards the LGBTQ community. Sharing this type of content with a large number of followers encourages and normalizes hate speech and calls for violence towards members of the LGBTQ community in Tunisia in particular, and in other countries in general. This type of discourse has and continues to negatively affect the safety and well-being of the members of the LGBTQ community on a daily basis, whether it is mental, physical, or psychological safety. It also promotes the stigmatization and dehumanization of target groups due to gender bias.

The organizations signed below warn of the consequences that may result from this campaign, especially in the absence of a legal framework that protects the affected people and the target groups at risk. On the contrary, it puts them at risk and exposes them to legal repercussions based on their sexual orientation and/or gender identities and/or expressions. The signatory organizations also call on Instagram to respect its community guidelines and standards which reject hate speech inciting to violence based on sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions, and sexual characteristics, and to commit to taking the necessary and rapid steps to reduce its negative impact on the platform and in real life. It is also important for us to support the solidarity within the LGBTQ community, and we call on everyone to stand up to these campaigns and protect themselves from violence of any kind. We also call on human rights organizations to take clear positions towards hate speech and express solidarity with the LGBTQ community.

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