We work to ensure human right defenders and others facing digital security threats have the resources they need to protect themselves and their communities.

Digital Security Helpline
The Digital Security Helpline is a free of charge resource for civil society around the world. We offer real-time, direct technical assistance and advice to activists, independent media, and civil society organizations.…

Content Governance
What is doxxing, and how does it endanger women?
This International Women’s Day, we’re telling platforms like Telegram, Twitch, and Meta to take women’s safety seriously.

Digital Security
Strengthening civil society’s defenses: what Access Now’s Digital Security Helpline has learned from its first 10,000 cases
Online civic space is under attack, and Access Now’s Digital Security Helpline is a lifeline that crosses time zones and languages to support at-risk groups and individuals from civil society. The 24/7 computer security incident response team has now assisted on more than 10,000 cases affecting activists, journalists, and non-profit organizations. “Strengthening civil society’s defenses: what Access Now’s Digital Security Helpline” shares what we have learned from the first 10,000 cases, identifying key trends, exploring case studies, and offering insight from data on requests for assistance from across the globe.

Digital Security
Don’t panic! Download “A First Look at Digital Security”
It’s a time of transition. Our user-friendly booklet can help you stay calm and focused.
Latest Updates

Governments must withhold support for the current draft of cybercrime treaty
Given fundamental concerns from stakeholders, we urge governments to consider withholding support for the current draft of cybercrime treaty.

Between a hack and a hard place: how Pegasus spyware crushes civic space in Jordan
Access Now launched the new investigation report on how Pegasus spyware crushes civic space in Jordan.

UN Cybercrime Convention: FAQ on necessary reforms
What is the UN cybercrime convention, what’s wrong with its current draft, and how can you engage with it? Read our FAQ to know.

#KeepItOn ግጭት፦ አማራ ክልል ውስጥ የኢንተርኔት መዘጋት በሰው ላይ የሚያሳድረው ጫና
ከአማራ ክልል ካሉ ሰዎች የተገኙ 11 ታሪኮች

How to stay safe online during the 2024 Bangladesh election
The 2024 Bangladesh election takes place on 7 January. Against a backdrop of myriad threats to digital freedoms and human rights online, we’re created a guide to help journalists, activists, and voters stay safe during the election period.

These safety standards lack safeguards: Australia must protect encryption
Through an open letter, over 600 signatories are urging the eSafety Commissioner to introduce safeguards fo encrypted services in the Online Safety Codes.

Spyware in Serbia: civil society under attack
Access Now and our partners have discovered that civil society in Serbia have been targeted with invasive spyware technology. Here’s what we know.

فلسطين خارج التغطية: كيف تقطع إسرائيل الإنترنت عن غزة
يقدّم هذا التقرير دراسة لحالة الإنترنت في قطاع غزة طوال شهر أكتوبر 2023 من خلال تحليلٍ حركة الإنترنت حسب مزوّدي خدمات الإنترنت في مختلف مواقع القطاع.

Claims that NSO’s Pegasus spyware helps Israel find hostages are ‘nonsense,’ experts say

#KeepItOn in conflict: the human impact of internet shutdowns in Amhara region, Ethiopia
This 11 stories from Ethiopian people tells the human impact of internet shutdowns in the Amhara region of Ethiopia in the past 100+ days.

Palestine unplugged: how Israel disrupts Gaza’s internet
This report illustrates the state of Gaza’s internet throughout October 2023 by looking at internet traffic by ISPs and locations.

Cómo protegerse en línea en el contexto del conflicto en Gaza
La presente guía de consejos sobre resiliencia digital elaborada por Access Now y SMEX fue diseñada para brindarles apoyo contra las amenazas denunciadas.

Staying safe online in the context of conflict in Gaza
This digital resilience tipsheet compiled by Access Now and SMEX is designed to support you in defending against reported threats.

دعوة مفتوحة من منظمات حقوق الإنسان لوقف فوري لإطلاق النار على الأرض ورقمياً في غزة، وبحق الفلسطينيين/ات حول العالم
نحن، مجموعة من مؤسسات المجتمع المدني ومنظمات حقوق الإنسان الرقمية، ننضم إلى الدعوة المفتوحة للوقف الفوري لإطلاق النار في غزة.

Organizaciones de derechos humanos se unen al llamado abierto al cese al fuego en Gaza y el respeto por los derechos digitales del pueblo palestino en todo el mundo
We call on international actors to support an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, along with a “digital ceasefire” to protect Palestinians in online spaces globally.

Human rights organizations join the open call for an immediate physical and digital ceasefire in Gaza, and for Palestinians globally
We call on international actors to support an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, along with a “digital ceasefire” to protect Palestinians in online spaces globally.