{Security Starts Here}
Robust encryption is the next step toward protecting our networks and data from unauthorized surveillance. The Data Security Action Plan offers 7 security- enhancing steps that every internet platform should take to safeguard our data.
Data Security Action Plan
In the wake of the continued disclosures regarding government mass surveillance, the majority of the reform conversation has revolved around the need for increased transparency. However, many of these disclosures highlight the ease by which unauthorized actors can access large amounts of personal information without any judicial process or oversight.
It’s time to expand the public discourse about how to properly secure data and defend privacy.
Robust encryption is the next step toward protecting our networks and data from unauthorized surveillance. The Data Security Action Plan offers 7 security-enhancing steps that every internet platform should take to provide minimum protection. These protections will help prevent unauthorized access, and move state actors toward using proper, legal channels to obtain personal information.
Seven Steps

Implement strict encryption measures on all network traffic

Execute verifiable practices to effectively secure user data stored at rest

Maintain the security of credentials, and provide robust authentication safeguards

Initiate a notification and patching system to promptly address known, exploitable vulnerabilities

Use algorithms that follow security best practices

Enable or support
use of client-to-
client encryption

Provide user education tools on the importance of digital security hygiene
If you are with a company or organization that would like to publicly support
the Data Security Action Plan, or if you have comments or suggestions
for the guidance document, please contact us at:
+1 (888) 414 0100
“We believe in the importance of protecting our networks, data, and users from unauthorized access and surveillance, and educating the public on the same. We support the seven steps of the Data Security Action Plan as a means to increase the security and protection of information across the internet. We encourage companies and organizations to join us in working toward a more secure internet.”