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Understanding key issues in data protection framework implementation in Africa

Baraza Media Lab

Africa continues to rise as a hub for digitization, and as it does, laws and policy frameworks follow. Data protection laws are part of the ever-changing legislative scene in Africa; and as the Malabo convention comes into force, we are uniquely positioned to shape what data protection will look like for years to come. How

Lanzamiento de la Coalición Latinoamericana #MigrarSinVigilancia

Church Center, 777 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017

Las personas en movimiento también tienen derecho a la privacidad. Es por esto que 30 organizaciones lanzamos la Coalición Latinoamericana #MigrarSinVigilancia para resguardar los derechos humanos de las personas migrantes a partir de la protección de sus datos personales.

Internet Governance Forum (IGF) Japan 2023

The 18th annual meeting of the Internet Governance Forum will be hosted by the Government of Japan in Kyoto from 8 to 12 October 2023. The Forum's overarching theme is: The Internet We Want - Empowering All People. Building on the results of the call for thematic issues the MAG decided that the 18th annual IGF programme will develop around the following sub-themes: Below are some