India’s Digital Personal Data Protection Bill passed: “it’s a bad law”

Access Now at Privacy Camp and CPDP 2020

This week, the EU policy team of Access Now will be participating in the Privacy Camp and the Computers, Privacy & Data Protection (CPDP) conference in Brussels, Belgium.

These events takes place between 21-24 January 2020. Below is a snapshot of the sessions we will be participating in this year’s CPDP. If you cannot be there, recordings of the sessions will be available online after the event and you you should check out Access Now on Twitter to follow the discussions in real time.  We look forward to connecting with you!

What is Privacy Camp and CPDP?

Privacy Camp is a one day event co-organised by Brussels-based organisations including our friends at European Digital Rights (EDRi). Privacy Camp is held every January just before the start of CPDP. The event brings together activists, civil rights groups, academics, and policy-makers from all around Europe and beyond to discuss the existing and looming problems for human rights in the digital environment and to provide a platform for collective action. The overarching theme for this year’s event is “Technology and Activism”.

Later on in the week, CPDP brings together stakeholders from all over the world. It’s one of the must-attend events for people working in the digital field (speaking of which, don’t forget about the RightsCon deadline for proposals tomorrow). International and national policy-makers, regulators, academics, computer scientists, legal practitioners, industry representatives, activists, consultants, and tech journalists convene at Les Halles Scharbeek. Participants exchange ideas, discuss, and debate emerging issues and trends in data protection, privacy, information technology, and the law.

As in previous years, Access Now will actively contribute. We will discuss everything from facial recognition, the ad tech industry, the changing environment for Artificial Intelligence, and our insights on the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and how it should be applied.

Our staff will be there debating, moderating, and co-organizing various panels together with other associations, organizations, and participants. Here’s a guide to where you can find us at — and around — CPDP and Privacy Camp:


**** Privacy Camp ****

Tuesday, 21 January 

Title: Defending digital civic space: How to counter digital threats against civil society

Staff: Hassen Selmi (@hassenselmi)

Time : 10:30 – 12:00

**** CPDP****

Tuesday, 21 January  – CPDP Opening night event

Title: State surveillance and the evolution of the ePrivacy reform: the hidden agenda behind a fundamental rights instrument

Staff: Estelle Massé (@EstelMP)

Time : 19:00 – 21:15


Wednesday, 22 January

Title: Face surveillance: Current status, future action

Staff: Estelle Massé (@EstelMP)

Time : 17:15 – 18:15


Title: Liquid AI: Accountability and governance of transnational AI systems

Staff:  Daniel Leufer (@djleufer)

Time : 17:15 – 18:15


Thursday, 23 January

Title: What does good AI governance look like? And how to get there?

Staff:  Fanny Hidvégi (@infofannny)

Time : 10:30 – 11:45


Title: Online privacy, algorithmic bias, targeted political advertising — an interdisciplinary conversation

Staff:  Fanny Hidvegi (@infofannny)

Time : 14:15 – 15:30